
学年结束时各种聚会、夏令营和假期活动随之而来,这些都是青少年和年轻的成年人希望有一个全新面貌的原因。 孩子可能将会请求您给他们买装饰性隐形眼镜,或者更糟的是,您的孩子直接不告诉您自己就去买了。 海伦博士是美国食品和药物管理局(FDA)的验光师和保健项目协调人...
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学年结束时各种聚会、夏令营和假期活动随之而来,这些都是青少年和年轻的成年人希望有一个全新面貌的原因。 孩子可能将会请求您给他们买装饰性隐形眼镜,或者更糟的是,您的孩子直接不告诉您自己就去买了。


这是由FDA、美国验光协会(AOA)、以及娱乐产业委员会(EIC)联合运动发布的消息之一。 目的是告知消费者,尤其是青少年和年轻的成年人,如何安全使用它们,以及不正确使用时的危险。 其中最大风险是可能发生感染,导致失明。


该视频在2014年6月25日的AOA年度会议上首映,使用来自流行电视节目“美国恐怖故事”的戏剧性剪辑手法,其中包括了对专业化妆师和验光师的采访。 他们强调,在演员(或青少年)佩戴隐形眼镜之前,需要进行眼科检查,取得有效的隐形眼镜处方,并要从信用良好的地方购买装饰性隐形眼镜。



来自EIC的Marie Gallo Dyak说,“娱乐产业在面向青少年时有一个独特优势,那就是通过青少年认可的人物角色和表演以及利用他们花费在数字空间的时间来传达信息。”


  • 到持证的眼科医师(视光师或眼科医生)进行眼科检查,即使您认为自己的视力极佳。
  • 获得一个有效的处方,包括品牌名称,镜片度数,和到期日期。 但是,不要指望您的眼睛医生给您开卡哇伊的或者环形的镜片。 这种比正常眼镜大的隐形眼镜让佩戴者瞳孔变大,获得娃娃般的外观,但并没有被FDA批准使用。
  • 不管您是亲自去商店买或在网上购买,都要从要求您提供处方的卖家买。
  • 遵循清洗、消毒和佩戴隐形眼镜的指南,并拜访您的眼科医师做后续的眼科检查。
  • 如果您出现眼部感染迹象,如红肿、短期不能缓解的眼部疼痛、或视力下降,请马上去看眼科医生。

在视频中,眼镜公司FX的 Scott Smiledge 是为电影和电视产业提供手绘隐形眼镜的专业产品的,他总结了一下说,“我在隐形眼镜方面给每个人一个忠告,它很好,很有趣,这很棒。但是请确保您能合理使用隐形眼镜,确保在正规商店购买,确保买到的眼镜是经过适当处理的,并且您的眼科医生也了解情况并赞成。”




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看过卢克·天行者拿着光剑和达斯·维达打仗的小朋友们(或家长们)会觉得激光武器真酷。 但是小朋友们(或家长们)可能并不知道:如果使用不当,或者控制不好的话,激光(即使是玩具里的激光)里极高密度的光线是很危险的,会导致严重的眼睛伤害,甚至失明。激光不仅会伤害到使...
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  • 玩具枪上用于“瞄准”的激光
  • 一边旋转一边发出激光束的玩具
  • 例如“光剑”这样的手持激光玩具
  • 露天场所用于娱乐及制造视觉效果的激光
FDA对激光的管理激光能产生强大的,特定指向的电磁射线束,可应用于许多产品中,如音乐播放器、打印机、以及眼科手术工具。FDA管理能激发辐射的电子产品,包括激光产品,并制定放射安全标准,并要求厂商严格遵守该标准。休伊特解释说,这些电子产品包含所有标为玩具的激光产品。休伊特说,FDA对激光玩具尤其关注,因为激光玩具常常会伤到儿童。他指出,因为广告商把激光产品当成玩具来推销,所以家长和孩子们可能都会认为激光玩具是安全无害的。休伊特说:“在对电子产品的管理中,1级标准是关于放射物质及光的剂量的最低标准,我们推荐符合1级标准的玩具,相比同类产品它们的危害最小。”那些用于工业及其他用途的激光需要满足较高级的放射标准。但是对于玩具,高标准的激光是不必要的,并且有潜在的危险。休伊特说,最近几年,玩具产品中激光的强度显著提高,而价格是越来越低。大人们可能买个激光笔用于工作,而孩子们却是买来玩的。休伊特说:“便宜的便携式激光笔以前的激光强度很低。”但是过去10年里,许多激光笔的强度提高了10倍甚至更高。但是证明激光有害的事实还不充分,尤其是玩激光玩具的小孩子以及他们的监护人还不相信激光是有害的。 谨记以下建议:
  • 永远不要拿激光直接瞄准或者照射任何人及动物。直对眼睛时,激光的光强度是有害的,可能比直接盯着太阳所引起的危害还要大。
  • 不要拿激光对准任何能反光的界面。
  • 谨记当光束直对驾驶中的司机或者从事其他活动(如进行体育活动)的人时,能引起严重事故或者给他们带来不良干扰。
  • 看一看说明书上符合21CFR(联邦管理准则)第J章条款的说明。




原文出处:http://www.fda.gov/ForConsumers/ConsumerUpdates/ucm363908.htm 收起阅读 »


With childhood obesity levels at an all-time high, parents, schools—even whole communities—are getting behind the movement to help...
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With childhood obesity levels at an all-time high, parents, schools—even whole communities—are getting behind the movement to help young people eat healthier.

As you head down the supermarket aisle, registered dietitian Shirley Blakely says you should zero-in on two things:
•the Nutrition Facts label—tells the number of calories and percentage of a day’s worth of nutrients in one serving
•the ingredients on the label of all prepared and packaged foods—lists every ingredient that went into the product, with the predominant ingredient first, the next most prominent second, and so on in descending order

If the cereal your kids like has some type of grain, such as corn or oats, listed first, that’s a good sign. But if fructose, high fructose corn syrup, or sucrose—in other words, sugar—is listed first, that tells you that added sugars are taking the place of other, more nutritious ingredients. The FDA has also proposed to update the nutrition facts label and has proposed that “added sugars” information be included so that you can see how much added sugars are in a product.

But sugar isn’t always an additive. Some foods—fruits, for example—are naturally sweet without adding any sugar at all. If you check the Nutrition Facts label on canned or dried fruits that have no added sugar, you’ll still see sugars listed. That’s because the sugars in pineapple, raisins, prunes, and other fruits occur naturally.

The same is true for fresh apples, bananas, melons, carrots and other items on your grocer's produce aisle, but they are not generally required to carry labels. If you want to know how many calories or nutrients they have, you can look on the Internet.

Blakely also says parents and kids should pay attention to portion sizes and make sure everyone in the family knows how to use the Nutrition Facts label to guide their food choices. Blakely says there are three things everyone should check when they read the label:

Serving size—one container isn’t necessarily one serving of the nutrients listed on the Nutrition Facts label; if you only want to eat one serving you can pre-measure your food and eat it from a plate or bowl instead of out of the container.

Percent Daily Value—tells what percentage of the recommended daily amount of each nutrient is in one serving of a food. Based on the amount of each nutrient recommendation for one day, 5 percent or less is low; 20 percent or more is high.

Nutrients—choose a variety of nutrient-dense foods. Try to get 20 percent or more of protein, fiber, and some essential vitamins and minerals (such as vitamin C and calcium) in a single serving; but limit your intake of saturated fats and sodium to 5 percent or less per serving of food. Strive for 0 trans fat, or trans fatty acids—this harmful fat raises your bad cholesterol (LDL) and lowers your good cholesterol (HDL).

Good nutrition at home is only one piece of the puzzle when it comes to being healthy. With one third of daily calories being consumed outside the home, the FDA is moving forward with calorie labeling on menus and menu boards for certain chain restaurants and similar retail food establishments, and on vending machines. The requirements would help ensure that consumers have more information when they make food choices outside of their homes.

For more information about how to live healthier, go to www.letsmove.gov.

This article appears on FDA's Consumer Update page, which features the latest on all FDA-regulated products.

August 4, 2014

原文出处:http://www.fda.gov/ForConsumers/ConsumerUpdates/ucm229990.htm 收起阅读 »


随着哈利•波特与“极客”文化的兴起,很多孩子认为戴眼镜很时尚,甚至是彻头彻尾的“酷”。 不过,可能有一天,您的儿子或女儿会来跟您说要戴隐形眼镜。 您有充分的理由赞成,也有充分的理由反对。 美国食品和药品管理局的验光师莱普里说:“隐形眼镜对体育活动更好,因为...
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随着哈利•波特与“极客”文化的兴起,很多孩子认为戴眼镜很时尚,甚至是彻头彻尾的“酷”。 不过,可能有一天,您的儿子或女儿会来跟您说要戴隐形眼镜。




另一方面,莱普里说:“需要记住的是,隐形眼镜属于医疗器械,而不是化妆品。”莱普里说到, “像任何医疗器械一样,隐形眼镜只能在安全和对眼睛负责任的前提下使用。 而且,必须要有眼保健专家的监督。”隐形眼镜也可能会严重伤害到眼睛,尤其是当问题出现后没有第一时间摘下眼镜时。



是什么原因?是因为卫生和责任。 或者更确切地说,莱普里认为是卫生和责任的缺乏。

他补充说,每个戴隐形眼镜的人都有必要严格遵循眼睛保健的专业建议。 这意味着遵循基本卫生防护措施,如:

  • 清洗或佩戴隐形眼镜前一定要洗手,并仔细用干净不起毛的布擦干双手。
  • 按指示擦洗眼镜和给眼镜消毒,并只使用眼部护理专家推荐的产品和解决方案。
  • 千万不要将隐形眼镜暴露于水或唾液中。
  • 戴隐形眼镜的时间不要超过指定的时长。
  • 要是眼睛红了,请勿戴隐形眼镜。
  • 不要戴别人的眼镜。
  • 不要忽视眼痒、灼热、红肿或发红这些可能意味着潜在感染风险的症状。 一旦出现这些症状要取下眼镜并联系眼科专家。
化妆要在佩戴眼镜之后,卸妆也要在取下眼镜之后。 没有采取必要的安全防范措施可能导致角膜溃疡(角膜位于眼睛前面,作用是屏蔽细菌、灰尘和其他有害物质),甚至失明。 莱普里说,“即使是一个熟练的隐形眼镜配戴者也可能在佩戴或者取出眼镜时划伤角膜”。 小孩子适合佩戴隐形眼镜吗? 莱普里说,“眼保健专家通常不建议十二三岁以下的孩子佩戴隐形眼镜,因为对年幼的孩子而言,风险往往比隐形眼镜带来的好处更大”。“但是,”他补充道,“年龄不是唯一的问题,这也是一个成熟度的问题。” 莱普里建议准备孩子佩戴隐形眼镜的家长观察孩子是否能处理好其他方面的问题,特别是个人卫生方面的。 他说,“这些父母要保持警惕,要持续关注孩子以确保他们能合理使用隐形眼镜”。 许多眼保健专家都可以证明,孩子能“制造”很多方法不注意卫生。常见行为包括佩戴别的孩子的隐形眼镜,用唾液湿润眼镜,以及佩戴从跳蚤市场、美容用品商店、互联网和其他渠道购买的装饰性眼镜。 莱普里说,即使是没有矫正作用的眼镜仍然是医疗器械,同样有着其他的隐形眼镜具有的风险。 他说,“坚决不能在没有眼科医生处方的情况下购买装饰性隐形眼镜。”眼保健专家一般不建议儿童和青少年长期佩戴隐形眼镜,因为这会增加角膜溃疡发生风险,可能会导致永久性失明。虽然日抛镜片比较贵,但是它能够降低患病风险,因为佩戴者每天都是用全新的镜片。患季节性过敏症的儿童通常不适合佩戴隐形眼镜。 隐形眼镜只能加重过敏引起的瘙痒和烧灼感。 以下是更多安全佩戴隐形眼镜的小贴士 其他小贴士包括:
  • 不要戴着隐形眼镜睡觉,除非是特别许可能过夜使用的眼镜,莱普里说到。 戴着隐形眼镜睡觉会大大增加患角膜溃疡的风险,即使只是戴一个晚上。
  • 体育运动时,应在隐形眼镜之前佩戴安全护目镜或框架眼镜。
  • 时刻在手边准备一副备用眼镜。

“让孩子记住不安全驾驶的危险性很容易”,莱普里说到。 但是,很难使孩子明白隐形眼镜的潜在危险。 他补充道,“孩子们都认为自己很强大,没什么倒霉事能发生在他们身上”。




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孩子感冒了父母应该做怎么? 这取决于孩子的年龄。 虽然儿童感冒大多数没有严重的并发症,但是也会引起看护人员的极大担心,并且感冒是门诊的主要原因之一。FDA不建议小于两岁的儿童服用治疗咳嗽感冒的非处方药。对于低于两岁的儿童而言,这些药物可能有严重的和潜在危及生...
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孩子感冒了父母应该做怎么? 这取决于孩子的年龄。


那么,担心的父母应该怎么办? 以下是FDA给出的如何安全地处理您孩子感冒的一些技巧。



咳嗽是感冒的正常症状,并且不完全是坏事。 泰勒说:“咳嗽帮助机体清除气道粘液和保护肺部,所以不需要镇咳。“

不是一出现流鼻涕或咳嗽就得去看医生的。 如果有疑问,家长应该联系医生。 泰勒建议,“三月龄及以下的婴儿一旦出现疾病信号,就要马上联系儿科医生。”
  • 两月龄及以下的婴儿出现发烧。
  • 任何年龄的小孩体温超过102华氏度(38.8摄氏度)。
  • 出现呼吸困难,包括鼻翼煽动、气喘、呼吸急促和三凹征。
  • 嘴唇发紫。
  • 不吃不喝,并伴有脱水迹象。
  • 耳痛。
  • 过度吵闹或嗜睡。
  • 咳嗽持续三周以上。
  • 病情不断加重。
这些症状提示您的孩子患有比感冒更严重的疾病。“要了解孩子。”泰勒说,“对于小婴儿来说,发烧是一个大问题,您需要征询医生的意见。 如果您对孩子的症状感到担忧,不管他几岁,都可以打电话给儿科医生寻求帮助。“发烧该做些什么呢?  发烧可以帮助人体抵御感染,并不一定都需要处理。但是,如果您的孩子是因为发烧或感冒的其他症状感到舒服,这里有替代咳嗽和感冒药的方法来帮助他们缓解痛苦。 泰勒说,替代方法有:
  • 在儿童床旁边放置一个干净的冷却雾喷雾器或加湿器有助于润湿的空气,减轻鼻腔和咽喉的干燥感。
  • 对于婴儿鼻塞,用盐水或盐水滴/喷雾滋润鼻腔,松开粘液。 然后用球形注射器清洁鼻子。
  • 对乙酰氨基酚或布洛芬可以用来减轻发热和疼痛症状。 请注意安全使用剂量。 FDA最近公布了关于治疗患儿感冒、发烧和头痛的含对乙酰氨基酚药物的新的制造和标签管理意见。 该草案鼓励通过降低因用药错误或意外摄入造成乙酰氨基酚过量使用的风险,来更安全地使用这些产品。


泰勒说:“我们发现,家长往往在液体药物的剂量上犯错误。 对他们来说,往往很难正确的量取液体药物,因为他们不明白什么一毫升是多少或者混淆了一茶匙和一汤匙的区别。“

家长如何才能保证给予孩子正确的药量呢? 按照“实际药量”标签上的指示。 FDA鼓励药品生产企业提供一个计量仪器,如注射器或杯子,上面标有准确的量度。 使用它们而不是家用勺子来测量用药剂量。

“如果您有问题或需要咨询,可以请教药剂师。”泰勒补充道, “剂量师会告诉您要使用的计量仪器,以及给药分量和频率。”

在美国,成年人平均每年约有三次感冒,孩子们患感冒更加频繁。 照顾者可能试图在孩子感冒时给他们吃止痛药、减充血剂和其他药物。 但对于这种常见的儿童疾病而言,往往最好的治疗是休息和护理。



原文出处:http://www.fda.gov/ForConsumers/ConsumerUpdates/ucm422465.htm 收起阅读 »


Ultrasound scans, like the one pictured above, should be reserved for times when there is a medical need and performed by appropri...
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Ultrasound scans, like the one pictured above, should be reserved for times when there is a medical need and performed by appropriately-trained operators.

Ultrasound imaging is the most widely used medical imaging method during pregnancy.

Fetal ultrasound imaging provides real-time images of the fetus. Doppler fetal ultrasound heartbeat monitors are hand-held ultrasound devices that let you listen to the heartbeat of the fetus. Both are prescription devices designed to be used by trained health care professionals. They are not intended for over-the-counter (OTC) sale or use, and the FDA strongly discourages their use for creating fetal keepsake images and videos.

"Although there is a lack of evidence of any harm due to ultrasound imaging and heartbeat monitors, prudent use of these devices by trained health care providers is important," says Shahram Vaezy, Ph.D., an FDA biomedical engineer. "Ultrasound can heat tissues slightly, and in some cases, it can also produce very small bubbles (cavitation) in some tissues."

The long-term effects of tissue heating and cavitation are not known. Therefore, ultrasound scans should be done only when there is a medical need, based on a prescription, and performed by appropriately-trained operators.

Fetal keepsake videos are controversial because there is no medical benefit gained from exposing the fetus to ultrasound. FDA is aware of several enterprises in the U.S. that are commercializing ultrasonic imaging by making fetal keepsake videos. In some cases, the ultrasound machine may be used for as long as an hour to get a video of the fetus.

While FDA recognizes that fetal imaging can promote bonding between the parents and the developing fetus, such opportunities are routinely provided during prenatal care. In creating fetal keepsake videos, there is no control on how long a single imaging session will last, how many sessions will take place, or whether the ultrasound systems will be operated properly. By contrast, Veazy says, “Proper use of ultrasound equipment pursuant to a prescription ensures that a woman will receive professional care that contributes to her health and to the health of her fetus.”

Doppler Ultrasound Heartbeat Monitors

Similar concerns surround the OTC sale and use of Doppler ultrasound heartbeat monitors. These devices, which are used for listening to the heartbeat of a fetus, are legally marketed as "prescription devices," and should only be used by, or under the supervision of, a health care professional.

"When the product is purchased over the counter and used without consultation with a health care professional taking care of the pregnant woman, there is no oversight of how the device is used. Also, there is little or no medical benefit expected from the exposure," Vaezy says. "Furthermore, the number of sessions or the length of a session in scanning a fetus is uncontrolled, and that increases the potential for harm to the fetus and eventually the mother."

This article appears on FDA's Consumer Updates page, which features the latest on all FDA-regulated products.

Updated: December 16, 2014

原文出处:http://www.fda.gov/ForConsumers/ConsumerUpdates/ucm095508.htm 收起阅读 »


元宵节又称为“上元节”、“春灯节”,是春节后第一个重要节日,传承至今。这一天人们主要的活动项目有:猜灯谜、耍龙灯、踩高跷、划旱船等。当然,少不了的是热腾腾的汤圆或元宵。 前几天朋友圈大家都在讨论一件裙子的颜色,到底是“白金”色还是“蓝黑”色,今天我想问问大伙...
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原文出处:http://weibo.com/p/2304185d5947690102vz3r 收起阅读 »


以下文章献给那些尚未给孩子接种麻疹疫苗的忧心忡忡的父母。 几天前,一个医生告诉我一个熟人,鉴于目前的麻疹暴发情况,他绝不赞同婴幼儿坐飞机。 作为一位母亲,我恰好准备在下个月带着七个月的宝宝坐飞机横穿美国,听到这样的建议,心里老大不乐意。我的第一反应是:这人有...
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几天前,一个医生告诉我一个熟人,鉴于目前的麻疹暴发情况,他绝不赞同婴幼儿坐飞机。 作为一位母亲,我恰好准备在下个月带着七个月的宝宝坐飞机横穿美国,听到这样的建议,心里老大不乐意。我的第一反应是:这人有病吧! 但是转念一想,如今5岁以下儿童三个里面几乎就有一个得了麻疹而住院,那这些还没给孩子接种疫苗的父母该多焦急啊!父母可以做什么来保证孩子的安全呢?下面是一些回答。


非常糟糕。 今年到目前为止,17个州和华盛顿特区已经报告了121例麻疹病例,这意味着我们可能会突破去年报告的数字,而去年是美国20年来报告麻疹病例例数最多的一年。 121例可能看起来不多,可这是麻疹,病例数会迅速倍增, 这是因为麻疹病毒传染性极强。 在一个未接种疫苗的社区中,一个感染麻疹病毒的人平均会传染十二至十八个人。 相比之下,一个感染了流感病毒的人只会传染一两个人。

遇到麻疹病毒这种传染性程度的病毒,社区95%以上的人可能都需要接种疫苗才能防止暴发。 截至2013年,美国17个州的19至35个月大的孩子中只有不到90%的人接受过一剂麻疹、腮腺炎和风疹疫苗或三者的联合疫苗的注射。 这意味着麻疹可能会在美国大部分地区迅速流行,而其中最可能被感染和生病的是婴幼儿,因为他们通常要到12月龄才接受MMR疫苗的第一次注射。


您和您的家人感染的可能性很大程度上取决于你们住在哪里。 如果您所在的社区还没有发生任何麻疹病例,您和您的孩子就比住在加利福尼亚州奥兰治县的人感染麻疹病毒的风险低多了。在那里,今年到目前为止已经有34居民感染了麻疹病毒。 (如果您不知道自己所在地区情况有多糟,请与您的州或当地卫生部门联系。) 如果您所在的社区已出现麻疹病例,如果您的宝宝去托儿所或在公共场所呆的时间很长,那么他更容易感染上麻疹。 麻疹病毒可以在物体表面或者空气中存活两个小时。
同样重要的是社区里已经接种麻疹疫苗的人的比例。 这是因为当麻疹再次席卷你们的社区或您孩子的学校时,如果大部分人都没有接种过疫苗,那么麻疹就会更迅速地传播流行。疫苗接种率即使是在同一个州也有很大的不同,因为没有接种的家长往往聚集在一起,所以查看整个州的接种率可能无助于您了解居住地方的接种率。 如果您有大一点的孩子,可以查询下他们学校的接种率。今日美国数据库包含了来自13个州的学校的疫苗接种率。请记住,感染上麻疹病毒的孩子在出疹前有四天的潜伏期,这段时间他们可能会继续传染别人。如果学校师生疫苗接种率低于百分之九十五,即使是一个孩子感染了病毒,也可能会带来一次麻疹暴发。 在看护婴幼儿的日托机构,更是有可能发生麻疹暴发,因为婴儿还没有接种而幼儿只接受过一剂MMR疫苗。这就是为什么上周伊利诺伊州日托帕拉丁的五胞胎感染上了麻疹。 (虽然不是所有的州都要求日间护理中心为问询的父母披露接种率,但加州父母是可以在网上找到这些信息。)


如果您知道附近有麻疹病人,而您的宝宝已满6月龄时,您可以让儿科医生提前给孩子接种疫苗。 这不能“取代”之后的疫苗接种,因此您的宝宝一周岁时还需接种一次MMR疫苗,但是提前接种还是能够起到一定保护作用。 此外,斯坦福大学的儿科传染病专家戴维·康说,“如果可以的话,尽量避免人多的地方”。 并确保您具有免疫力。 (参见下一个问题。)


这要视情况而定。 许多在暴发中感染和传播麻疹病毒的人都已经成人,因此您具有免疫力很重要。 如果您虽然还没有接种过疫苗,但是曾在过去得过麻疹或者是在1957年之前出生的,那就不会感染。1963到1967年间,有些不同类型的疫苗,接种了这几种灭活疫苗的人或者不知道接种过哪种类型疫苗的人应该考虑再次接种疫苗。 (灭活疫苗没有目前的减毒活疫苗效果好。)
如果您是在1967到1989年间接种的MMR疫苗,您可能只接种过一剂减毒活疫苗。如果的确如此,您可以让的医生再给您接种一次。 但是除非您是一个医务工作者、大学生或者您经常出国旅行,否则您没必要再次接种麻疹疫苗。因为百分之九十五的人接种过一次疫苗就具有了免疫力。(接种两次可以保证百分之九十九的人都具有免疫力)。但是,如果您仍然担心,可以让医生给您做个麻疹抗体检查,或直接再接种一剂麻疹疫苗;即使您怀孕了或者准备在未来一个月内怀孕不应该接种麻疹疫苗,再次接种也不会有任何风险。如果您是在1989年后接种疫苗,您可能接受了两剂减毒活疫苗注射,如果是这样,您可以放心了。亲,保证成千上万的人健康真的是没那么简单!


洪说,“这个问题很难说”。 “当然,1岁以下的孩子是最脆弱的,但同时,我又不愿危言耸听。”他解释说,虽然麻疹暴发的形势不容乐观,但目前还不能称之为流行,这表明在美国麻疹一次暴发过后不太可能继续传播。(今年可能有额外的暴发,这也许与国际旅行者将麻疹带入美国有关。 也就是说,如果疫苗接种率进一步下降,麻疹可能再次在美国流行起来。最后,洪说,“避免婴儿坐飞机对我而言有点过”。 另外,在任何公共场所的暴露风险都是一样的,不论是商场、飞机还是游乐园。 所以,如果您建议家长不要带婴儿到飞机上,你还不如告诉他们连家门都别出,但是这就有点矫枉过正了。

尽管如此,如果您要带着宝宝国际旅行,您还是应该采取更多的预防措施。 就目前这段时间,疾病预防控制中心建议6个月以上的婴儿在国际旅行前要接种MMR疫苗,因为麻疹正在在许多欧洲、亚洲、太平洋和非洲国家流行。 如果你的宝宝太小了还不能注射疫苗,你最好不要去麻疹正在流行的国家旅行。

听说新生儿可以被母亲提供的抗体保护, 是真的吗?
是真的:已经接种疫苗或在某个时期患过麻疹的母亲可以通过胎盘向胎儿传递保护性抗体,以至于出生时宝宝的血液中这些抗体的浓度往往超过了他的母亲。 (早产儿体内没有足够的抗体是因为大多数抗体是在妊娠的最后四周从母亲传递给胎儿的。)


不能。母亲通过胎盘传给婴儿的抗体类型被称为免疫球蛋白G或IgG抗体,这类抗体参与血液循环,在抵御麻疹病毒方面起到很大的作用。 婴儿通过母乳获得的是另一种抗体,叫IgA抗体,这类抗体主要是防止肠道疾病的发生,如腹泻。 洪说,“虽然我们鼓励母乳喂养,但我不清楚母乳喂养在抵御麻疹病毒感染方面的具体好处。”

要确保您和每个大孩子接种最新的疫苗,并对居住的社区发生的事情保持关注。 如果您家附近有麻疹患者,特别如果您怀疑您所在社区疫苗接种率很低的话,让您的宝宝远离公共场所,并考虑要求儿科医生早日给孩子接种MMR疫苗。 麻疹的早期症状包括高烧、咳嗽、流鼻涕和眼睛发红、流泪。 如果您怀疑您的孩子感染了麻疹病毒,打电话给儿科医生——不只顺路是来看看——重要的是告诉您什么是应该做的。

尽管数据不理想,您的宝宝也可能依然保持健康。 也许麻疹带来的恐慌将鼓励犹豫不决的家长给孩子接种疫苗,所以像这样的暴发再也不会发生了。妈妈也是可以做做梦的,对不对?


原文出处:http://www.slate.com/articles/double_x/the_kids/2015/02/measles_and_infants_advice_for_parents_of_unvaccinated_babies.2.html 收起阅读 »


There’s been a lot of discussion in the media (both mainstream as well as social) about vaccinations, spurred because of the curre...
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There’s been a lot of discussion in the media (both mainstream as well as social) about vaccinations, spurred because of the current measles outbreak in the U.S. I’m unhappy about the cause, of course, but I welcome the discussion. I’m just sorry it took an outbreak from Disneyland to get this conversation rolling.

A lot of people are blaming anti-vaxxers for the outbreak, but the truth is more complicated than that. Certainly Jenny McCarthy, Andrew Wakefield, and the organized groups spreading dangerous misinformation about vaccines have their share of it, but their influence isn’t almighty. There’s more to this story.

That’s why I’m glad my friend Hank Green has made an episode of SciShow explaining why people choose not to vaccinate.

Hank’s overview is pretty good, and very well laid out! But I want to add a few things.

One is that this is not just a hippie, liberal thing. Very conservative people, including libertarians, don’t want the government telling them what to do, so state-required vaccinations for children to allow them in schools is anathema to them. I’m not saying they’re right—in fact, they’re very, very wrong—just that this is what they think. Anti-vaccination sentiment is well distributed throughout the political spectrum.

Another is that overall in the U.S., vaccination rates haven’t fallen in recent times. But that casts a mighty wide net. If, instead, you look on smaller scales, you see pockets of low vaccination, regions where rates have dropped dramatically. Sure, some are liberal bastions like Northern California, but other places are affected for other reasons, like the Texas town influenced by a megachurch.

And, as always, I want to point out that I understand how parents feel here. I have a daughter myself, and my wife’s and my concerns for her health were and are strong. So I want to distinguish between parents out there trying to figure this all out, and the people who are actively and vocally trying to confuse them over this issue.

I know how important vaccines are, and my entire family is up-to-date with their vaccinations. I’m walking the walk.

Hank’s audience for SciShow tends to be younger folks, and I hope they take this lesson home (literally as well as figuratively). This issue of bias and evidence goes well beyond vaccinations, into the very trust we have of science itself. That’s something I’d love for younger folks to understand. Science is pretty cool, and the most important tool humans have to understand everything around us.

It also saves lives.

Addendum: Germany is facing a large-scale outbreak of measles as well, with nearly 600 cases since late last year (the population of Germany is one-fourth that of the U.S.). One boy, an 18-month-old, recently died from complications due to measles. My heart aches over this, which is why I write so frequently about vaccination. My thanks to Mat Johnson for alerting me to this.


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We’re in the midst of a measles outbreak, and the headlines make clear where the blame lies: parents. “The Real Reasons That Paren...
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We’re in the midst of a measles outbreak, and the headlines make clear where the blame lies: parents. “The Real Reasons That Parents Have Stopped Vaccinating Their Kids.” “The Ethical Negligence of Parents who Refuse to Vaccinate Their Kids.” “Sue Parents Who Didn’t Vaccinate? Absolutely.” A headline on a popular Slate essay on growing up unvaccinated referred to “my ’70s health-nut parents.”

But that essay itself makes clear that it’s the author’s mother who was the primary nut in the family. And there are plenty of other reasons to raise the extremely uncomfortable question: Do we have a problem with parents making bad decisions about vaccines, or do we have a problem with mothers making bad decisions about vaccines?

First, the obvious: Women make the vast majority of health care decisions for their children. A 2013 report from the Kaiser Family Foundation found that three-quarters of mothers choose their children’s doctor and follow through with recommended care. Just 16 percent of fathers have primary responsibility for taking their children to the doctor. Even assuming that most couples discuss major family medical decisions together, it’s women who direct and implement those decisions.

When it comes to making decisions about vaccines, however, women turn out to be likelier than men to place trust in the wrong places. A remarkable 2011 report in the journal Pediatrics found that mothers were more inclined than fathers to trust vaccine-safety information (er, “information”) coming from television shows, magazines, and celebrities. Thirty-one percent of mothers said they trusted vaccine information from celebrities “some” or “a lot,” compared with 19 percent of fathers.

The study’s lead author, Gary Freed, is careful to point out that women as a whole are still much more likely to trust their children’s doctors than to trust other sources. Indeed, women and men report similarly high levels of trust in the safety of the measles-mumps-rubella vaccine. So it’s important to note that we are talking about a small subset of parents who are doubters. But, he added, “We did find that women look at or trust—either some or a lot—information sources that are not necessarily well informed, and not necessarily based on anything other than anecdotal experience.”

When it comes to making decisions about vaccines, women are likelier than men to place trust in the wrong places.

Freed, the founding director of the Child Health Evaluation and Research Unit at the University of Michigan, argues that the public-health community needs to be more sensitive to the fact that different people find and respond to information in different ways. What that should look like, precisely, isn’t yet clear, as journalist Seth Mnookin recently reported in the New Yorker. Last year, Freed co-authored a study based on a randomized trial that offered parents different vaccine-information “interventions,” including dramatic anecdotes about an infant who almost died of measles. None of the interventions increased the parents’ intentions to vaccinate.

Freed’s 2011 study also found mothers were likelier than fathers to place trust in stories from fellow parents who claim their children were injured by vaccines, which is more understandable but still alarming considering the overwhelming scientific evidence in favor of vaccine safety. As Jenny McCarthy put it in her 2008 book Mother Warriors, “Who needs science when I’m witnessing it every day in my home?”

Research suggests women are likelier to fall for pseudoscience in some other areas, too. We are 10 percentage-points more likely than men to believe that humans have not evolved over time (they have), and 19 percentage-points more likely to say genetically modified foods are unsafe (they aren’t). Women are also likelier to use alternative medicine, which suggests overlap with the anti-vaccine community’s rhetoric about toxins and impurities.

To put it delicately, women also seem to rely on a wider network of sources when it comes to medical information. A paper published last year found that we are 30 percent likelier than men to rely on anecdotal health care information from the Internet. In a way, this makes sense: If men were doing the health care research for their families, perhaps we would see this number reversed. Women also experience distinct periods in their lives, including pregnancy, which require specialized medical care—and make Googling strange new symptoms practically irresistible.

So, how about some anecdotal evidence? (Hey, I’m a woman!) Every Facebook conversation I’ve seen on vaccines has been dominated by, if not exclusively populated by, women. For a recent story I reported on a particular subset of vaccine-doubting parents, I didn’t find a single male source with those concerns. A January New York Times article on anti-vax parents quoted five mothers (including one who had changed her mind) and no fathers. And this is nothing new. In a recent interview with the L.A. Times, historian Elena Conis identified a similar gender breakdown in a 1982 NBC news report titled “Vaccine Roulette”: “All these mothers speaking about their children's vaccine reactions: ‘I went to the Physicians’ Desk Reference, we need to be skeptical.’ And all these male doctors: ‘Vaccines are safe, the mothers don’t know what they’re talking about.’ ” Conis argues that the current anti-vaccine community has roots in the feminist health movement of the 1960s and 1970s.

Yes, there are men involved in the anti-vaccine movement. The researcher whose fraudulent 1998 study linked vaccines and autism is a man, and so was the founder of the Autism Research Institute, which promoted spurious links between mercury-containing vaccines and autism. There are plenty of fathers and other men who are outspoken on the issue. And on the politically charged question of whether children should be required by the government to be vaccinated, men are actually slightly more likely than women to say that parents should be allowed to make the final decision. But when it comes to the purported dangers of vaccines, all the evidence we have seems to point to women as the ones driving the conversation.

It’s dicey to discuss this gender disparity for a number of reasons, including the fact that “blame moms” is not a thesis that tends to endear one to the sisterhood of womankind. “Women like stories, men like data” is also one of the most tired stereotypes around. Most troubling, perhaps, is that women’s accounts of their own medical issues have historically been belittled by the mainstream medical establishment, their symptoms—fatigue, chronic pain, anxiety—have been dismissed, and they have been blamed not just for their own problems, but for their children’s. Researchers spent decades accusing insufficiently warm “refrigerator mothers” of causing their children’s autism.

“There is a history of paternalism in medicine,” said Jordynn Jack, an associate professor of English at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill whose 2014 book Autism and Gender explores how ideas about gender have affected debates about autism, including the vaccine controversy. “The language that’s used by the scientific community to communicate that vaccines are safe sometimes falls into that paternalistic model. ‘I’m telling you what’s right, and I’m telling you as a scientific authority,’ ” Jack said. “For some people that’s persuasive, but for others it’s not.” In her book, Jack dissects how contemporary mothers often think of themselves as “warriors” on behalf of their sick children, fighting first for a diagnosis and then for treatment. If procuring basic care for a sick child feels like a battle, then why trust the enemy’s propaganda?

In the end, however, it’s possible to have all the sympathy in the world for vaccine-skeptical parents and still conclude that they are dangerously wrong about one of the most important public-health questions of the moment. To move forward, maybe it’s time to appeal more directly to the parents who are driving these decisions: mothers.


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