
题目:Older sisters and younger brothers: The impact of siblings on preference for competition   Highlights •The impact of siblings ...
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题目:Older sisters and younger brothers: The impact of siblings on preference for competition

•The impact of siblings on one’s personality has been long argued in psychology.

•One of the core issues is who rates the participants’ personality traits.

•We go beyond past studies by obtaining competitive trait in economics experiment.

•Having older sisters is negatively associated with men’s competitive preferences.

•Our results support sibling hypotheses from the viewpoint of economics experiment.

Psychology studies have long argued the possibility that sibling structure, such as birth order and the sex of siblings, shapes one’s personality traits. One of the core issues involved is that of who rates subjects’ personality traits in studies. The present studies (N = 135 in Study 1, N = 232 in Study 2) surpassed the examinations performed in previous studies by obtaining information regarding one of the key personality traits, preference for competition, using a framework developed via experimental economics rather than subjective ratings. Despite the fact that the two studies involved different types of task, we consistently observed that older sisters exerted a significant impact on their younger siblings in both studies. In particular, having an older sister was negatively associated with men’s competitive preferences. We also obtained suggestive evidence that having an older sister was positively associated with women’s competitive preferences. Our results support sibling hypotheses from the perspective of experimental economics.

Keywords Sibling competition;Gender;Competition;Personality;Experimental economics
原文出处:http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0191886915001609 收起阅读 »


标题:Cloud cover-adjusted ultraviolet B irradiance and pancreatic cancer incidence in 172 countries   Highlights •We measured the a...
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标题:Cloud cover-adjusted ultraviolet B irradiance and pancreatic cancer incidence in 172 countries

•We measured the association between UVB irradiance and pancreatic cancer incidence.

•Higher UVB was associated with lower levels of pancreatic cancer incidence.

•The relationship remained significant after controlling for several confounders.

•The association may be explained through photosynthesis of vitamin D.

Controversy exists regarding whether vitamin D deficiency could influence the etiology of pancreatic cancer. Several cohort studies have found that high serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D [25(OH)D] concentrations are associated with low risk of pancreatic cancer, while others have not.


Low ultraviolet B irradiance is associated with high incidence of pancreatic cancer.


Age-standardized pancreatic cancer incidence rates were obtained from GLOBOCAN in 2008. The association between cloud-adjusted UVB irradiance and age-standardized incidence rates of pancreatic cancer was analyzed using regression.


Overall, the lower the cloud-adjusted UVB irradiance, the higher the incidence rate of pancreatic cancer. Residents of countries with low UVB irradiance had approximately 6 times the incidence rates as those in countries with high UVB irradiance (p < 0.0001 for males and p < 0.0001 for females). This association persisted after adjustment for traditional risk factors of pancreatic cancer (p = 0.0182 for males and p = 0.0029 for females).


There was an inverse association of cloud-adjusted UVB irradiance with incidence of pancreatic cancer that persisted after adjustment. This result is consistent with an inverse association of overall vitamin D deficiency in countries with lower UVB irradiance with risk of pancreatic cancer. Further research on the role of 25(OH)D in reduction of pancreatic cancer in individuals would be desirable to expand the limited avenues available for prevention of this highly fatal disease.

This article is part of a Special Issue entitled ‘17th Vitamin D Workshop’.

Keywords Pancreatic cancer;Ultraviolet rays;Incidence;UVB;Vitamin D;Epidemiology;International comparisons
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Men who are losing their hair due to male pattern baldness may be at increased risk of dying from prostate cancer, a new study sug...
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Men who are losing their hair due to male pattern baldness may be at increased risk of dying from prostate cancer, a new study suggests.Researchers analyzed information from more than 4,000 U.S. men ages 25 to 74, who were assessed by a dermatologist and categorized has having no balding, or minimal, moderate or severe balding.

Men with any degree of balding were 56 percent more likely to die from prostate cancer over a 21-year period, compared with men who were not losing their hair. What's more, those with moderate balding were 83 percent more likely to die from prostate cancer, compared to those with no balding.
The findings support the hypothesis that a shared biological process influences both balding and prostate cancer, the researchers said. One theory is that high levels of male hormones (such as testosterone) play a role in both conditions. Men with male pattern baldness have been found to have higher levels of male hormones, and these hormones also fuel the growth of prostate cancer cells.However, it's too soon to make any recommendations about screening men for prostate cancer based on the findings, said study author Cindy Zhou, a postdoctoral fellow at the National Cancer Institute. "We still need future studies to replicate what we observed," Zhou said.

If the findings are confirmed, male pattern baldness might be used as one indicator of a man's risk of developing prostate cancer, which could help scientists determine which men should undergo prostate cancer screening, the researchers said. However, studies would first need to show that taking a man's baldness into account actually improves researchers' ability to predict the man's prostate cancer risk, above and beyond what can be predicted using current risk factors, Zhou said.
An earlier study found that men who start to bald in their 20s were at higher risk for prostate cancer than men who don't start to lose their hair until later, but the new study found a link between balding and fatal prostate cancer regardless of age.Interestingly, the new study did not find a link between severe balding and an increased risk of fatal prostate cancer. This could be because there were few men in the study with severe balding, which limited the ability of the study to detect a link, Zhou said.

The study was presented this week at the American Association for Cancer Research meeting in Philadelphia.       
原文出处:http://www.livescience.com/50608-hair-loss-prostate-cancer.html 收起阅读 »


  Even casual walking for an extra two minutes each hour may help prolong life. A new study suggests that engaging in low intensi...
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Even casual walking for an extra two minutes each hour may help prolong life.

A new study suggests that engaging in low intensity activities such as standing may not be enough to offset the health hazards of sitting for long periods of time. On the bright side, adding two minutes of walking each hour to your routine just might do the trick. These findings were published in the Clinical Journal of the American Society of Nephrology (CJASN).

Numerous studies have shown that sitting for extended periods of time each day leads to increased risk for early death, as well as heart disease, diabetes and other health conditions. Considering that 80 percent of Americans fall short of completing the recommended amount of exercise, 2.5 hours of moderate activity each week, it seems unrealistic to expect that people will replace sitting with even more exercise.

With this in mind, scientists at the University of Utah School of Medicine investigated the health benefits of a more achievable goal, trading sitting for lighter activities for short periods of time. They used observational data from National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) to examine whether longer durations of low intensity activities (e.g. standing), and light intensity activities (e.g. casual walking, light gardening, cleaning) extends the life span of people who are sedentary for more than half of their waking hours.

They found that there is no benefit to decreasing sitting by two minutes each hour, and adding a corresponding two minutes more of low intensity activities. However, a "trade-off" of sitting for light intensity activities for two minutes each hour was associated with a 33 percent lower risk of dying.

"It was fascinating to see the results because the current national focus is on moderate or vigorous activity. To see that light activity had an association with lower mortality is intriguing," says lead author Srinivasan Beddhu, M.D., professor of internal medicine.

Beddhu explains that while it's obvious that it takes energy to exercise, strolling and other light activities use energy, too. Even short walks add up to a lot when repeated many times over the course of a week. Assuming 16 awake hours each day, two minutes of strolling each hour expends 400 kcal each week. That number approaches the 600 kcal it takes to accomplish the recommended weekly goal of moderate exercise. It is also substantially larger than the 50 kcal needed to complete low intensity activities for two minutes each awake hour over the course of one week.

"Based on these results we would recommend adding two minutes of walking each hour in combination with normal activities, which should include 2.5 hours of moderate exercise each week," says Beddhu. Moderate exercise strengthens the heart, muscles, and bones, and confers health benefits that low and light intensity activities can't.

The study examined 3,243 NHANES participants who wore accelerometers that objectively measured the intensities of their activities. Participants were followed for three years after the data were collected; there were 137 deaths during this period.

"Exercise is great, but the reality is that the practical amount of vigorous exercise that can be achieved is limited. Our study suggests that even small changes can have a big impact," says senior author Tom Greene, Ph.D., director of the Study Design and Biostatistics Center at the Center for Clinical and Translational Science.

Beddhu adds that large, randomized, interventional trials will be needed to definitively answer whether exchanging sitting for light activities leads to better health.

文献下载:http://cjasn.asnjournals.org/content/early/2015/04/29/CJN.08410814.short 收起阅读 »


A controversial artificial sweetener is being removed from Diet Pepsi in the US amid consumer concerns about its safety. Aspartam...
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A controversial artificial sweetener is being removed from Diet Pepsi in the US amid consumer concerns about its safety.

Aspartame-free cans of the drink will go on sale from August in America, but not in Britain.

Regulators in the UK and the US insist aspartame is still safe to use in soft drinks.

PepsiCo says its decision is a commercial one - responding to consumer preferences.

Last year, sales in Diet Pepsi fell by more than 5% in the US, latest figures show.
Similarly, sales of Diet Coke, which also contains aspartame, decreased by more than 6%.

PepsiCo says it will replace aspartame with another sweetener - sucralose - mixed with acesulfame potassium (Ace-K).

Seth Kaufman, vice-president of Pepsi, said: "Aspartame is the number one reason consumers are dropping diet soda."

In tests, Mr Kaufman said, people still recognised the reformulated drink to be Diet Pepsi but it might have a "slightly different mouth-feel".

There are no plans to change the ingredients in the UK.

A spokesman said: "Consumers in the UK market love Diet Pepsi just as it is today.

"Pepsi uses a variety of approved sweetener options to create great-tasting colas, including aspartame, which remains an important sweetener in some Pepsi beverages around the world, including Diet Pepsi in the UK market."

The change only applies to the US market and will affect all varieties of Diet Pepsi, such as Caffeine Free Diet Pepsi and Wild Cherry Diet Pepsi. It will not apply to other PepsiCo drinks, such as Diet Mountain Dew.
Health concerns
Aspartame has sparked controversy since it was first approved for use in the 1980s, despite being one of the most thoroughly tested and studied food additives.

Aspartame, also known as E951, is about 200 times sweeter than sugar but contains very few calories.

Thousands of foods and drinks around the world use it as a sugar substitute, including breakfast cereals and sugar-free chewing gum.

Food safety experts have been keeping its use under close scrutiny since a number of anecdotal reports pointed to potential side-effects.

A study published by the Ramazzini Foundation in Bologna, Italy, in July 2005 claimed to have shown that rats given dosages of aspartame equivalent to those in humans may develop tumours.

But European regulators who assessed this research were not convinced by it and concluded that aspartame could still be used as a food additive.

The US Food and Drug Administration says there are more than 100 studies that support aspartame's safety.

But regulators agree that there should be a limit to how much of the sweetener people consume.

An adult would have to consume 14 cans of a sugar-free drink every day to reach this limit.

There are some people who cannot safely consume aspartame. These are people with an inherited disease called phenylketonuria or PKU.

People with PKU are unable to metabolise a component of aspartame.
原文出处:http://www.bbc.com/news/health-32478203 收起阅读 »


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常见的放射科检查包括 X光片,断层扫描(CT),核磁共振(MRI),以及B超(ultrasound).这几项只有X光片以及CT有辐射。

  1. 导致畸形或智力迟钝
  2. 导致癌症
  3. 导致生殖细胞的突变因而对下一代可能有基因上的影响


胎儿时期曝露到辐射是否会增加癌症的几率目前没有很明确的答案,但如果有的话可能性也非常小。有些数据显示曝露到1-2RAD(拉德)的胎儿以后罹患血癌的机会会增加1-2倍。换言之一般孩子罹患血癌的机会是大约1/3000,而曝露到辐射的胎儿的机会则约1/2000. 如果为了这个风险而堕胎的话,需要把1999个健康的孩子堕掉才能预防一个血癌,不建议。

Ultrasound 也就是B超是没有辐射的,对胎儿也是安全的

MRI 核磁共振也没有辐射,基本很安全,但有时需要打显影剂好让影像更清楚;而这MRI使用的显影剂在动物实验中有增加流产的几率,但是需要在人体建议用的剂量2-7倍的情况下才可能发生,因此一般做的所谓增强的核磁(需要静脉注射显影剂)在怀孕期间也是安全的。尽管如此,目前还是建议如果可以等到产后才做的话就再等等。


*1 rad = 1000 mrad  (1拉德= 1000 毫拉德)
放射科检查                                           胎儿曝露到的辐射剂量
胸透视 (前后+侧位)                          0.02–0.07 mrad
一张腹部X光片                                     100 mrad
静脉肾盂摄影                                        >=1 rad*
一张髋关节X光片                                  200 mrad
乳腺X光片                                            7–20 mrad
钡剂观察检查                                        2–4 rad
头颅或胸腔的断层扫描                          <1 rad
腹腔或腰椎的断层扫描                          3.5 rad
盆腔断层扫描                                        250 mrad
Data from Cunningham FG, Gant NF, Leveno KJ, Gilstrap LC 3rd, Hauth JC, Wenstrom KD. General considerations and maternal evaluation. In: Williams obstetrics. 21st ed. New York (NY): McGraw-Hill; 2001. p. 1143–58.

从这个表可以看出,要达到5拉德可不是件容易的事,如果拍一次胸片算0.1 mrad 的话,要拍5万次胸片才会对胎儿可能有影响。而剂量较高的腹部X光片也得拍个50次才会开始有危险。

  1. 妇女应该被告知怀孕期间做任何单项的放射科检查不会对胎儿有影响。更具体的是所曝露的辐射剂量不超过5拉德以上是不会增加胎儿畸形或流产的几率。
  2. 不应该因为担心辐射可能造成的影响而不让怀孕妇女做必要的X光检查。但怀孕期间如果合适的话,尽可能考虑用没有辐射的检查如B超或核磁共振代替CT或X光片。
  3. 核磁跟B超对胎儿健康没有影响
  4. 孕期妇女如果需要做多种或多次有辐射的检查,可以考虑让放射科的专家会诊,帮忙计算判断检查后胎儿可能曝露到的辐射剂量
  5. 有放射性的碘的同位素在孕期是不可以在治疗使用的(这是针对某些甲抗患者)
  6. 怀孕期间静脉注射显影剂做增强CT或MRI是不太可能对胎儿有任何影响,尽管如此,显影剂应该还是在对诊断跟母亲的健康利多于害的时候才用。


原文出处:http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_69afcdab0101mrj8.html 收起阅读 »


每逢节假日来临,很多人都会选择结伴出去旅游。除了看看美丽的风景,就是吃各地的美食了,在不知不觉中就对自己的身体和健康进行了一次次的“考验”。这种突然改变日常生活规律和饮食的行为很容易使身体感到不适。 出门在外,无论在豪华宾馆还是小餐馆,你都不难发现,大鱼大肉...
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原文出处:http://weibo.com/p/2304185d5947690102w6jy 收起阅读 »


Major achievements in pediatric research, often taken for granted, have been made possible with federal funding. A recent congress...
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Major achievements in pediatric research, often taken for granted, have been made possible with federal funding. A recent congressional briefing hosted by the AAP Committee on Pediatric Research highlighted discoveries from the last 40 years from the perspectives of researchers and families.
 From passenger safety laws to the use of surfactant to rotavirus vaccines, pediatric research innovations over the last four decades have led to life-saving discoveries and policy changes that many take for granted.

Despite the importance of these advancements, researchers don’t always do a good job explaining the impact of their work and how it saves lives, said Tina Cheng, M.D., M.P.H., FAAP, chair of the AAP Committee on Pediatric Research (COPR).
That’s one reason the committee hosted a congressional briefing in December to present to lawmakers “7 Great Achievements in Pediatric Research” (see sidebar). Researchers and family members impacted by the research spoke to a standing-room-only crowd, focusing on innovations in the members’ lifetimes.

The topics covered immunizations, pediatric cancer, saving premature infants, preventing HIV transmission from mothers to babies, reducing sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS), increasing life expectancy for children with chronic diseases, and saving lives with car seats and seat belts. Forty years ago some of these discoveries may have seemed like science fiction.
To help select the topics, COPR surveyed its members along with the boards of the American Pediatric Society, Academic Pediatric Association, Society for Pediatric Research, Federation of Pediatric Organizations and Association of Medical School Pediatric Department Chairs. The groups, along with the Academy, sponsored the briefing.

“We chose the seven because we felt like they were recent successes and they were successes that would resonate with the public,” said Dr. Cheng, who moderated the briefing.

Researchers shared their perspectives, but when family members and young people offered their stories about how research changed their lives, it was even more powerful, said neonatologist Scott Denne, M.D., FAAP, past chair of COPR.

Tokunbo Olaniyan, of Columbia, Md., a young woman whose late mother had sickle cell disease, talked about how grateful she was that her mother lived to be old enough to give birth. Forty years ago, sickle cell patients in the United States typically lived to only about 14 years.
College student Vikram Siberry, of Olney, Md., told how a seatbelt saved him during a car accident in high school that took the life of his friend who was behind the wheel.

Dr. Denne also shared how the introduction of surfactant to treat premature babies has affected his professional life.

“The difference is as night-and-day as any intervention has ever been,” he said.

“Before surfactant, our primary tools were the ventilator, and premature babies were born and immediately struggled to breathe,” he told the group. “The ventilator caused substantial damage — major ruptures of the lung — so you had to put in chest tubes. Babies needed to stay on ventilators for prolonged periods. Many babies who left the nursery had significant lung disease, and many babies simply didn’t survive.

“A daily event was babies dying … multiple chest tubes being placed … a whole host of rooms dedicated for babies who were going to be on ventilators for months. That was the reality before surfactant,” Dr. Denne said.

Today, many babies come off ventilators more quickly, lung damage is significantly less severe and survival rates have increased substantially, he noted.
SIDS was addressed by Marian Willinger, Ph.D., director of the research program in SIDS at the Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute for Child Health and Human Development. Dr. Willinger, consultant to the AAP Task Force on SIDS, coordinated much of the research efforts on the Back to Sleep campaign. Since 1994, the overall U.S. SIDS rate has declined by more than half as a result of babies being placed on their backs to sleep.

The briefing included graphs and charts on topics such as the progress made in life expectancy for patients with sickle cell anemia and cystic fibrosis. One chart showed the steep drop in perinatally acquired AIDS in the early 1990s with the introduction of an antiretroviral medication.

All of the stories were designed to help lawmakers and others understand the ongoing need for federal research funding.

“It’s very important for the general public to understand how impactful investing in research can and has been,” said Dr. Denne, who said funding should be maintained or better yet, increased.

Although the seven achievements will be no surprise to any pediatrician, Dr. Cheng said they all are taken for granted sometimes and continued investment is needed.

“All of these discoveries were the result of research funding innovation that led to decreased mortality, increased life expectancy, increased quality of life. There are more research discoveries to be made.”
7 Great Achievements in Pediatric Research in the Past 40 Years

Preventing disease with life-saving immunizations
Diseases like rotavirus and Haemophilus influenzae type b are now preventable due to vaccines.

Saving premature babies by helping them breathe

Deaths from respiratory distress syndrome have been reduced by two-thirds with the introduction of surfactant.

Reducing sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) with Back to Sleep

SIDS has declined by half due to research and the Back to Sleep campaign.

Curing a common childhood cancer

More than 90% of children with acute lymphocytic leukemia now survive, compared with 57% in the 1970s.

Preventing human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) transmission from mother to baby

Twenty years ago, one in four mothers with HIV transmitted HIV to their babies. Now the transmission rate is less than 2% due to advances in medications given during pregnancy.

Increasing life expectancy for children with chronic diseases

Life expectancy of patients with sickle cell disease or cystic fibrosis has risen from 14 years to more than 40 years.

Saving lives with car seats and seat belts

Research leading to vehicle safety laws has significantly reduced pediatric motor vehicle deaths.
原文出处:http://aapnews.aappublications.org/content/36/5/11.full 收起阅读 »


一款意大利生产的进口药物,却被纳入中国疫苗体系长达八年时间,推荐给无数孩子接种。这起疫苗医疗界的“丑闻”,直接暴露出中国公共卫生体系的管理漏洞   “兰菌净疫苗”风波 □本刊记者 高胜科实习生 谢如颖/文 2015年4月,辽宁省沈阳市市民李菲(化名)发现儿...
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□本刊记者 高胜科实习生 谢如颖/文



兰菌净,由意大利贝斯迪药厂(Bruschettini S.R.L,下称贝斯迪)生产,中文名也叫“细菌溶解物”。4月21日,意大利药品监管局(AIFA)在给《财经》记者的邮件回复中称,兰菌净(Lantigen B)是一款口服产品,用于预防呼吸道感染。














兰菌净受到质疑后,贝斯迪中文官网上发布多篇文章,强调兰菌净具有预防与治疗性的双重作用,并使用“治疗性疫苗”这个名词。今年3月底,两篇从标题到内容高度一致,对兰菌净介绍时也以治疗性疫苗为导向的文章,分别刊载在国家卫计委主管的《健康报》、国家药监总局主管的《中国医药(20.72, 1.21, 6.20%)报》上。











发表于2001年、2004年的两篇论文《兰菌净对于反复发生呼吸道感染患者血清和唾液SIgA水平影响的临床研究》《多价细菌疫苗舌下滴入预防儿童反复呼吸道感染的双盲随机对照研究》均指出,兰菌净可调节机体免疫功能,减少呼吸道感染。作者来自北京大学人民医院、中日友好医院、上海复旦大学附属中山医院、广州医学院第一附属医院等呼吸科,以及广州呼吸疾病研究所。  多位业内专家对兰菌净产品的三期临床试验的科学性提出异议,从上述两篇论文中可见,兰菌净在临床试验中选择了患者,而非健康人群,未遵循疫苗试验理论。并且,兰菌净的有效样本量分别为120人与86人,样本量偏少。









上海医药(27.36, 0.12, 0.44%)集团有限公司原总裁吴建文因受贿等罪名,在2011年被判处死刑缓期两年执行。吴在受审中交代,杨杰在其帮助下,获得了兰菌净在中国的独家代理权,年销售额超过1000万元。为感谢吴并继续寻求支持,杨杰先后六次向吴行贿,共计199万余元人民币和1万美元。








































原文出处:http://finance.sina.com.cn/chanjing/cyxw/20150427/160522054642.shtml 收起阅读 »


初夏将近,这几天气温也是直线飙升,高温袭来,你准备好了吗?一般在高温的情况下,人们容易出汗。出汗就会丢失水分、水溶性维生素及一些电解质。同时,高温还会使人体的消化液分泌减少,和其他季节相比,容易出现食欲下降。 许多人都喜欢吃些清凉的食物来“消暑”,例如凉菜、...
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1、 多饮水喝汤,少“冰冷刺激”。

2、 多蔬果,少油腻食物。



原文出处:http://weibo.com/p/2304185d5947690102w641 收起阅读 »