
发育开始的年龄可能是糖尿病和癌症等等一系列疾病的影响因素。具体而言:发育开始得早些或者晚些可能影响到将近48种健康状况、包括绝经年龄。Scientific Reports上发表的一项研究考察了50万人、提示早发育可令二型糖尿病的几率提高50%。换言之、发育开始...
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发育开始的年龄可能是糖尿病和癌症等等一系列疾病的影响因素。具体而言:发育开始得早些或者晚些可能影响到将近48种健康状况、包括绝经年龄。Scientific Reports上发表的一项研究考察了50万人、提示早发育可令二型糖尿病的几率提高50%。换言之、发育开始的年龄对于中年之后的健康状态可能有着重要的影响——而在到达中年之前、你或许丝毫都感觉不到任何差异。


  • 乳腺癌、宫颈癌等癌症
  • 心脏病发作、心绞痛、高血压。
  • 过早绝经、先兆子痫、死胎。
  • 哮喘。
  • 抑郁症。
  • 青光眼。
  • 肥胖症。




文章来源:http://www.bbc.com/news/health-33168864 收起阅读 »


孩子发烧就怕抽筋,抽筋就怕抽坏脑子,因为对热性惊厥的担心,很多家长对发烧充满恐惧,以至于孩子一发烧,就想尽一切办法给孩子退烧,吃退烧药,冰袋冰头,贴退热贴…这些担心有必要吗?这样做有用吗?关于发烧抽筋,父母们需要知道哪些? 热性惊厥是指由发烧引发的抽搐,以前...
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端午节到了,除了赛龙舟、挂蒿草艾叶荷包等节日活动外,家家户户都会吃粽子。粽子又称“角黍”、“筒粽”,是我国的传统节日食品,由粽叶包裹糯米蒸制而成。传说粽子是为祭投江的屈原而开始制作流传的。每年端午人们互送粽子表达对屈原的纪念。 粽子由来已久,花样繁多。由于地...
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In recent years, salt has become somewhat less of a culprit in heart disease, and sugar has, at least in some researchers’ eyes, t...
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In recent years, salt has become somewhat less of a culprit in heart disease, and sugar has, at least in some researchers’ eyes, taken its place. Now, authors of a new study in Open Heart argue that sugar consumption may be considerably worse for blood pressure than salt intake. In fact, they say, “It is time for guideline committees to shift focus away from salt and focus greater attention to the likely more-consequential food additive: sugar.” Whether it’s really valuable to pit one white crystal against the other is unclear, but what we do know is that neither salt nor sugar, in high amounts, is very good for anyone’s heart. For people who already have heart disease or high blood pressure, it’s probably best to keep an eye on both.

But here’s the rationale for the argument that sugar is worse for blood pressure than salt. Sugar, in high amounts, has many well-documented negative effects on the body, and in particular, on one’s metabolic profile. There’s an established link between sugar and metabolic syndrome, a conglomeration of cardiovascular markers that includes insulin resistance, high cholesterol, high blood pressure, high triglycerides (blood fats), and excess weight, especially in the form of belly fat.

Sugar also seems to lead, in a series of steps, to an increase in blood pressure per se. “Consuming sugar increases insulin levels,” study author James DiNicolantonio tells me, “which activates the sympathetic nervous system, leading to increases in heart rate and blood pressure.” It also apparently reduces the sensitivity of the receptors that regulate our blood pressure. Finally, sugar depletes ATP, cells’ energy stores, which, again through a cascade of events, constricts blood vessels, and increases blood pressure.
Some studies have also suggested that consuming a high-sugar diet for just two weeks may have a measurable effect on blood pressure. “Twenty-four hour ambulatory blood pressure studies,” adds DiNicolantonio, “indicate an increase of BP of around 7mmHg/5mmHg with a high-sugar diet. That’s much stronger than what we see with sodium, which is perhaps around 4mmHg/2mmHg.” Other studies comparing the effects of drinking a single 24-oz fructose-sweetened drink, vs. a sucrose-sweetened drink, have shown effects on blood pressure and other cardiovascular markers in the hours following.

So, the authors argue, reducing sugar may be a more meaningful way of reducing blood pressure than reducing salt. And because too little sodium in the diet has been linked to adverse health effects, the argument goes, it’s all the more important to keep a moderate, rather than a very low, salt intake.
原文出处:http://www.forbes.com/sites/alicegwalton/2014/12/11/study-is-sugar-worse-for-blood-pressure-than-salt/ 收起阅读 »


  Research says that our brains are hardwired for pleasure and sugar works like many addictive drugs. So, are we sugar fiends?   H...
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Research says that our brains are hardwired for pleasure and sugar works like many addictive drugs. So, are we sugar fiends?
Here’s something to think about the next time you’re craving something sweet: it could be more than just a sweet tooth. It could be an addictive itch begging to be scratched.

Brain scans have confirmed that intermittent sugar consumption affects the brain in ways similar to certain drugs.

A highly cited study in the journal Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews found that sugar—as pervasive as it is—meets the criteria for a substance of abuse and may be addictive to those who binge on it. It does this by affecting the chemistry of the limbic system, the part of the brain that’s associated with emotional control.

The study found that “intermittent access to sugar can lead to behavioral and neurochemical changes that resemble the effects of a substance of abuse.”

It’s these findings that spurred Paul van der Velpen, head of Amsterdam's health services, to warn people that sugar is a drug, “just like alcohol and tobacco.” He wrote a column on the city’s public health website Tuesday calling for stronger government action regarding sugar. Actions he proposed included regulating the amount allowed in foods and also banning soft drinks in schools 

“This may seem exaggerated and far-fetched, but sugar is the most dangerous drug of this time and can still be easily acquired everywhere,” he wrote.

Dr. David Sack, CEO of Elements Behavioral Health, which operates Promises Treatment Centers, echoed these comments. Sack said that the prevalence and promotion of sugary foods and beverages, coupled with how it affects our brains, make addiction an issue.

“The truth is that not every one exposed to high-sugar foods is going to become addicted and seek it out regularly. The same is true with drugs like cocaine or alcohol,” he told Healthline. “The difference is that we don’t sell alcohol to anyone under the age of 21, but you can buy high-sugar content foods at any age.”

Are We, As a Whole, Addicted to Sugar?

U.S. health officials have been less hyperbolic in their messaging than van der Velpen, but many feel equally concerned.

Earlier this year, the American Heart Association cited research that shows sugary soft drinks are responsible for 180,000 deaths worldwide each year. They recommend that adults consume no more than 450 calories per week from sugar-sweetened beverages. This translates to just under two 20-ounce bottles of Coca-Cola.

The latest numbers from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control (CDC) show the average American gets about 13 percent of his or her daily caloric intake from added sugars. Men, on average, get an additional 335 calories per day from added sugars, while women get about 239 extra calories per day.

While sodas are the easy culprit to blame, there are many other places where sugar sneaks into a person’s diet, often without his or her knowledge.

The CDC’s research shows that people consume excess sugars not only in beverages but also in foods they eat at home.

Relying on packaged or processed foods is a quick way to stack up the sugar cubes, even if they have healthy sounding names. Sugar is a common ingredient in many foods people assume are healthy.

For example, a jar of Newman’s Own Tomato & Basil spaghetti sauce contains 9 grams of sugar, or about four sugar cubes. Eight ounces of V8 Fusion Vegetable & Fruit Juice contains more than 11 cubes of sugar. Yoplait Original 99% Fat Free yogurt contains between 11 and 13 sugar cubes, depending on the flavor.

How Do You Kick the Habit? Curbing Your Addiction Before It Begins

The messages telling us to crave sugar begin at an early age, Sack says. Children’s TV programming is often wrapped in advertising featuring brightly colored cartoon characters selling processed foods with high sugar content.

“Food scientists have learned to manufacture food to make it more rewarding,” he said. “Then they use the media, such as advertising, so they’re dangling it in front of us.”

Sack says that not enough parents are educating their children about healthy nutrition, and that the parents may be reinforcing bad eating habits. This is made worse when working parents are short on time to focus on meal planning.

“The biggest problem we’ve seen is that parents who are overweight or obese themselves feed these foods to their kids and don’t see it as abnormal,” he said. “Right now, parents aren’t told what’s appropriate nutrition for children. Unless we educate parents on what’s appropriate height and weight, and what’s proper nutrition, it’s very hard for kids to have a proper respect for food.”

Parents shouldn’t stock their pantry shelves with sugary foods, should read nutrition labels on packaged foods, and should educate their children about healthy food choices, Sack said. 

“We have to recognize this is a very deep problem,” he said.
文献地址:http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0149763407000589 收起阅读 »


In 2014, Americans were eating more sugar than ever before — on average, about 160 pounds a year. (howzey/Flickr)   We shouldn’t ...
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In 2014, Americans were eating more sugar than ever before — on average, about 160 pounds a year. (howzey/Flickr)

We shouldn’t be able to eat a Snickers bar for cheaper than we can eat an apple.
– James DiNicolantonio

The 2015 Dietary Guideline Advisory Committee just released new recommendations to limit added sugars to 10 percent of daily calories. Right now, Americans are eating more sugar than ever before — on average, about 160 pounds a year.

James DiNicolantonio is a cardiovascular research scientist at St. Luke’s Mid-America Heart Institute in Kansas City, Mo. He recently published a comprehensive review of dozens of studies in which he contends that sugar is more dangerous than salt when it comes to risk for heart disease. He says that refined sugar is similar to cocaine — a white crystal extracted from sugar cane rather than coca leaves — and that studies show it can be even more addictive than the recreational drug.

“When you look at animal studies comparing sugar to cocaine,” DiNicolantonio told Here & Now’s Lisa Mullins, “even when you get the rats hooked on IV cocaine, once you introduce sugar, almost all of them switch to the sugar.”

DiNicolantonio is careful to differentiate between refined and intrinsic sugars; while the former have the potential to cause adverse health effects due to their concentrated nature, the latter, such as lactose in milk, “aren’t necessarily unhealthy,” he explained. In fact, humans are biologically drawn to sugar, as it helps the body to store fat, and thus allowed us to better survive winter in Paleolithic times.
Unfortunately now, that [neurological] reward is working against us because now we’re ingesting very refined sugars at a much higher potency and dose than we used to,” he said.But sugar addiction is not biological. Instead, DiNicolantonio says a certain consumption threshold must be achieved over a certain period of time in order to alter the brain’s neurochemistry. Subsquently, people experience dopamine depletion and sugar withdrawals.

“You get this intense release of dopamine upon acute ingestion of sugar. After you chronically consume it, those dopamine receptors start becoming down-regulated — there’s less of them, and they’re less responsive,” he said. “That can lead to ADHD-like symptoms … but it can also lead to a mild state of depression because we know that dopamine is that reward neurotransmitter.”

It’s not that people should never consume sugar, but rather that they should limit their intake to avoid the aftereffects, which can eventually cause pre-diabetes, DiNicolantonio said. He noted that when he craves sugar, he tries to go for dark chocolate or almonds.

“We’ve got to give people hope, right? You don’t want to just tell them they can’t ever have sugar again,” he said.

Still, he says the FDA could help to lessen the issue.

“The government subsidizes corn, so high fructose corn syrup is cheaper than sugar, and that’s why it’s so ubiquitous in our diets,” DiNicolantonio explained. “They need to start subsidizing healthy foods. We shouldn’t be able to eat a Snickers bar for cheaper than we can eat an apple.”
原文出处:http://hereandnow.wbur.org/2015/01/07/sugar-health-research 收起阅读 »


Trans-fats are unsafe to eat and must be banned from the food supply within three years, US regulators have said. The US Food and...
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Trans-fats are unsafe to eat and must be banned from the food supply within three years, US regulators have said.

The US Food and Drug Administration said partially hydrogenated oils (PHOs), the main source of trans-fats, are not "generally recognised as safe".

It said a ban would save lives by preventing fatal heart attacks.

Food suppliers have been required to show trans-fats information on food labels since 2006 but health experts say Americans still consume too much.

"The FDA's action on this major source of artificial trans-fat demonstrates the agency's commitment to the heart health of all Americans," said FDA's Acting Commissioner Stephen Ostroff.

"This action is expected to reduce coronary heart disease and prevent thousands of fatal heart attacks every year."
War on trans-fats
  • made by pumping vegetable oils with hydrogen which makes them solids or semi-solids
  • eating trans-fats took off in the 1970s when margarine became popular
  • popular foods that may have trans-fats: French fries, fried meats, frosting
  • cheap to produce with a long shelf life
  • World Health Organization calls them 'toxic'
  • many companies already working to remove them from foods

Since the FDA started labelling trans-fats, the agency estimates that consumption of them decreased by 78% in the US.

The UK has been calling for a ban on trans-fats for several years.

In Denmark, almost all trans-fats have been banned since 2003.
原文出处:http://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-33154168 收起阅读 »


夏天到了,天气变的炎热起来。受酷暑的影响,不少人食欲受到影响,吃东西没有胃口。我们不妨吃点有苦味的蔬菜。苦味蔬菜可以清热祛火,增进食欲。常见的苦味菜有苦瓜、莴苣、油麦菜等等。 苦瓜又名凉瓜,其营养成分丰富,包含碳水化合物、钾、钠、磷、胡萝卜素、B族维生素、维...
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吃下了1000大卡热量的食物之后想要维持能量平衡、的确可以靠运动。 但问题是、运动能够消耗的热量远比很多人以为的要少。30分钟慢跑或游泳能烧掉350大卡、但要让人日复一日地坚持30分钟、多数人都是臣妾、做不到的。 他们还有另一种选择:每天少喝500毫升不到...
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长期来看、人体新陈代谢的改变也可能抵消掉运动所能带来的减重益处。在你减重的同时、新陈代谢也会放缓。很多人坚信运动能够抵消甚至逆转这一进程。然而、你绰(CHUO)了。研究显示:无论锻炼与否、所有节食者的静息代谢率(Resting Metabolic Rate)都会显著放缓。这正是为何减重之旅刚起步之时还算轻松、但随着时间流逝而变得越来越艰难的道理。









作者:Aaron E. Carroll、美国印第安纳大学医学院儿科教授。

原始出处:http://www.nytimes.com/2015/06/16/upshot/to-lose-weight-eating-less-is-far-more-important-than-exercising-more.html 收起阅读 »


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