
今天就要立秋了。立秋,是二十四节气中的第十三个节气,更是干支历未月的结束以及申月的起始,从时间上看,就是过了上半年,下半年开始啦。到了立秋,梧桐树开始落叶,所以有“一叶知秋”之说。“秋”由禾与火字构成,有禾谷成熟、丰收的意思。  “秋”意味着热去凉来,秋天的...
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立秋除了“贴秋膘”,天津等地还流行“咬秋”。 人们相信立秋时吃瓜可免除冬天和来春的腹泻。清朝张焘的《津门杂记·岁时风俗》中就有这样的记载:“立秋之时食瓜,曰咬秋,可免腹泻。”清时人们在立秋前一天把瓜、蒸茄脯、香糯汤等放在院子里晾一晚,于立秋当日吃下,为的是清除暑气、避免痢疾。
原文出处:http://weibo.com/p/2304185d5947690102wqnd 收起阅读 »


This spring saw the first death from measles in the United States in 12 years. Measles infections there are at their highest sinc...
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This spring saw the first death from measles in the United States in 12 years.

Measles infections there are at their highest since the disease was supposedly eradicated. The reason for this is that the number of people vaccinated against measles has been falling.

More and more parents have been refusing to immunise their children. The influence of a loose group of fringe campaigners against immunisation - "anti-vaxxers", as they're known - has been spreading. And with it, disease.

Vaccines can cause adverse reactions in a small number of people, like many medicines, but the accepted science is that the benefits far outweigh the risks. And that's why none of our expert witnesses this week is an anti-vaxxer.

Instead we're asking why, given the body of scientific evidence and the advice of national and global health authorities, has childhood immunisation become so controversial? What's behind the anti-vax movement? Four key players in the story share their thoughts.

Dyan Hes: Everyone must play their part

Dr Dyan Hes doesn't accept any patients at her children's clinic in New York who aren't up-to-date with their vaccinations.

"I make a promise to my patients that I will do my best to keep their children healthy. So if I have a patient that has cancer or leukaemia or any type of immunosuppressive illness and they sit in my waiting room and somebody comes in with measles and my patient dies, then I didn't keep my oath. That's how I feel.

"You need a population to be immunised to protect the people who cannot be immunised."Measles virusIf the vast majority of people in a community have had their vaccination against a disease, and then someone turns up from out of town carrying the disease, it's unlikely they'll come into contact with anyone it can pass on to. The disease won't spread. And especially vulnerable people, who can't be immunised, will be safe.

This is called "herd immunity".

"Right now in Seattle, Washington, in the United States, 80 to 88% of children are immunised for polio. But you need a 95% rate of polio immunisation to keep up herd immunity. So polio can theoretically re-emerge in Seattle, Washington because there are so many people who are not being immunised at this time."

The first successful vaccine was the smallpox vaccine, developed in the late 1700s. But ironically it's the success of childhood immunisation programmes which has in part started the backlash against them. Dr Hes says parents don't see the point in taking action against a disease they've never known anyone to suffer from.

"They don't see that so they don't know, so they say, 'What's the big deal? It's a rash, you know, it won't be my kid.' But people forget what childhood death is and what infantile mortality is, people forget how many children died or were left with encephalitis or terrible brain diseases that caused mental retardation and people to be institutionalised for the rest of their life from measles."

Brian Deer: Bad science

Brian Deer is an investigative journalist for the British newspaper The Sunday Times.

"There was a paper published in February 1998 in The Lancet and basically what it said was that there was a group of parents who brought 12 children to a hospital in North London here in England. Those parents said that they gave their child the MMR [measles, mumps and rubella] vaccine and within 14 days, eight of the families said their child had developed the first signs of autism.

"And the paper also said these same children had a new kind of inflammatory bowel disease which, taken together, was a new syndrome in children and it set off the most extraordinary public alarm.Investigative journalist Brian Deer: I am subject to relentless abuse"When this story broke, very quickly parents started to shun the MMR vaccination. This man, Wakefield, went on television and it was reported at saturation levels, his recommendation that the MMR should be suspended in favour of vaccinating your children with single shots. But many parents just didn't vaccinate their child and we started to see outbreaks of measles. In fact, I had the misfortune to report the first measles death in the UK resulting from this scare. It was an absolute panic and a real public health crisis."

But something didn't quite ring true about the story to Brian. He began to take a closer look at the scientist behind the research, Andrew Wakefield.

"I went to interview one of the mothers of the children in the research and she told me a story that was completely different to the story that she'd told to participate in the research that led to the 1998 Wakefield paper. It was a different story."

Brian Deer found inconsistencies in a number of the paper's case studies and questioned how impartial the research was. The medical authorities began to investigate Andrew Wakefield's research methods. It took years. He was eventually found guilty of serious professional misconduct, and struck off the medical register. The Lancet withdrew the paper. But all this happened 12 years after the study was first published.

No scientist has been able to replicate the study's findings. No study has since found any link between the MMR vaccine and autism. And yet the story hasn't gone away.

"In the UK the British public is now pretty apprised of the situation. Vaccination uptake levels of MMR have gone back to where they were before Andrew Wakefield's paper, but this story is now rolling out across the world.

"I am subject to relentless abuse, emails telling me that how can I sleep at night because of what I've done and that I'm working for the drug industry and that I'm somehow involved in some sort of global conspiracy to harm children."

Juniper Russo: Changed view

Juniper Russo is a single mother living in the city of Chattanooga in the southern US state of Tennessee, and used to be part of the anti-vax movement.

"Andrew Wakefield's study was one of the things that had really scared me. People who are in the anti-vaccine movement largely believe that he was silenced and that he was actually a hero who was speaking up about something important."

Juniper now writes a blog, Back From Nature, in which she advocates evidence-based healthcare. Like journalist Brian Deer, she's faced a vicious backlash and even threats from anti-vaxxers for changing her views. But at one time there was no question in her mind: vaccinations were a conspiracy.

"I was only 20 when I got pregnant with my daughter and I was really young and really naive and I had gotten wrapped up in this world view that said that nature is just this wonderful thing and that everything about our big scary industrialised world was bad.Blogger Juniper Russo changed her view on vaccination"I thought that the government wasn't to be trusted and I very much believed in the idea that there was this big organisation called Big Pharma and I thought that people would be willing to make my child sick to make a dollar.

"All that I could think about was that I was doing what I needed to do to protect my children from this beast of modern medicine. I didn't think about the possibility that I was putting anyone else in danger, but I now know that I was."

But Juniper's views changed after her daughter, who had never had a vaccination, was diagnosed with autism.

"That was the beginning of me starting to face that I had made a mistake in assuming that if I did everything in this perfect... way that nothing wrong would ever happen to my kids.

"I was seeing a lot of it on the news, and I now realise that it was actually very irresponsible of the media. They would have a physician who worked with the World Health Organization on TV, and then debating with him they would have a mum who said that her kid had autism from the vaccine.

"It was very easy for me to side with the person that I could relate to the most, instead of siding with the big scary doctor who was, I assumed, paid off by the government."

Heidi Larson: Managing the conversation

Heidi Larson, an anthropologist at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, has dedicated her career to understanding how people feel about vaccines.

"The reason that [people] get more entrenched [in their opposition to vaccination] is they feel like they're not being listened to. So you don't throw information at the problem. Instead you learn to listen.Heidi Larson: We're not focusing enough on scientists understanding the public"I do think we need to do a much better job at supporting health workers and health professionals to have difficult conversations. They're absolutely not trained to manage a conversation which is challenging what they do.

"It's very much... you get trained as a doctor, a health worker, a nurse, to deliver these good things that are going to help the health of the public, [to] give people the jab.

"Increasingly people have the performance indicators and they feel like they have to check so many off and I've had interviews with people that say, 'I feel like a number. You know, I'm in, I'm out, get the jab.'

"Additionally there's all this focus on the public understanding the science. I think we're not focusing enough on scientists understanding the public.

"We can't keep finger pointing at the public and think they're the issue."
原文出处:http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/health-33774181 收起阅读 »


Cooking is crucial to our diets. It helps us digest food without expending huge amounts of energy. It softens food, such as cellul...
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Cooking is crucial to our diets. It helps us digest food without expending huge amounts of energy. It softens food, such as cellulose fiber and raw meat, that our small teeth, weak jaws and digestive systems aren't equipped to handle. And while we might hear from raw foodists that cooking kills vitamins and minerals in food (while also denaturing enzymes that aid digestion), it turns out raw vegetables are not always healthier.

A study published in The British Journal of Nutrition last year found that a group of 198 subjects who followed a strict raw food diet had normal levels of vitamin A and relatively high levels of beta-carotene (an antioxidant found in dark green and yellow fruits and vegetables), but low levels of the antioxidant lycopene.

Lycopene is a red pigment found predominantly in tomatoes and other rosy fruits such as watermelon, pink guava, red bell pepper and papaya. Several studies conducted in recent years (at Harvard Medical School, among others) have linked high intake of lycopene with a lower risk of cancer and heart attacks. Rui Hai Liu, an associate professor of food science at Cornell University who has researched lycopene, says that it may be an even more potent antioxidant than vitamin C.

One 2002 study he did (published in the Journal of Agriculture and Food Chemistry) found that cooking actually boosts the amount of lycopene in tomatoes. He tells ScientificAmerican.com that the level of one type of lycopene, cis-lycopene, in tomatoes rose 35 percent after he cooked them for 30 minutes at 190.4 degrees Fahrenheit (88 degrees Celsius). The reason, he says: the heat breaks down the plants' thick cell walls and aids the body's uptake of some nutrients that are bound to those cell walls.  

Cooked carrots, spinach, mushrooms, asparagus, cabbage, peppers and many other vegetables also supply more antioxidants, such as carotenoids and ferulic acid, to the body than they do when raw, Liu says. At least, that is, if they're boiled or steamed. A January 2008 report in the Journal of Agriculture and Food Chemistry said that boiling and steaming better preserves antioxidants, particularly carotenoid, in carrots, zucchini and broccoli, than frying, though boiling was deemed the best. The researchers studied the impact of the various cooking techniques on compounds such as carotenoids, ascorbic acid and polyphenols.

Deep fried foods are notorious sources of free radicals, caused by oil being continuously oxidized when it is heated at high temperatures. These radicals, which are highly reactive because they have at least one unpaired electron, can injure cells in the body. The antioxidants in the oil and the vegetables get used up during frying in stabilizing the cycle of oxidation.

Another study published in the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry in 2002 showed that cooking carrots increases their level of beta-carotene. Beta-carotene belongs to a group of antioxidant substances called carotenoids, which give fruits and vegetables their red, yellow, and orange colorings. The body converts beta-carotene into vitamin A, which plays an important role in vision, reproduction, bone growth and regulating the immune system.

The downside of cooking veggies, Liu says: it can destroy the vitamin C in them. He found that vitamin C levels declined by 10 percent in tomatoes cooked for two minutes—and 29 percent in tomatoes that were cooked for half an hour at 190.4 degrees F (88 degrees C). The reason is that Vitamin C, which is highly unstable, is easily degraded through oxidation, exposure to heat (it can increase the rate at which vitamin C reacts with oxygen in the air) and through cooking in water (it dissolves in water). 

Liu notes, however, that the trade-off may be worth it since vitamin C is prevalent in far more fruits and vegetables than is lycopene. Among them: broccoli, oranges, cauliflower, kale and carrots. Besides, cooked vegetables retain some of their vitamin C content. 

That said, research shows that some veggies, including broccoli, are healthier raw rather than cooked. According to a study in the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry in November 2007, heat damages the enzyme myrosinase, which breaks down glucosinates (compounds derived from glucose and an amino acid) in broccoli into a compound known as sulforaphane.

Research published in the journal Carcinogenesis in December 2008 found that sulforaphane might block the proliferation of and kill precancerous cells. A 2002 study in The Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences also found that sulforaphane may help fight the bacterium Helicobacter pylori, which causes ulcers and increases a person's risk of stomach cancer.

On the other hand, indole, an organic compound, is formed when certain plants, particularly cruciferous vegetables such as broccoli, cauliflower and cabbage, are cooked. According to research in The Journal of Nutrition in 2001, indole helps kill precancerous cells before they turn malignant. And while boiling carrots was found to increase carotenoid levels, another study found that it leads to a total loss of polyphenols, a group of chemicals found in raw carrots. Specific polyphenols have been shown to have antioxidant properties and to reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease and cancer, according to a 2005 report in The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition.

Comparing the healthfulness of raw and cooked food is complicated, and there are still many mysteries surrounding how the different molecules in plants interact with the human body. The bottom line, says Liu, is to eat your veggies and fruits no matter how they're prepared.

"We cook them so they taste better," Liu says. "If they taste better, we're more likely to eat them." And that's the whole idea.
原文出处:http://www.scientificamerican.com/article/raw-veggies-are-healthier/ 收起阅读 »


Young dads more likely to die middle aged - is stress of fatherhood killing them? A Finnish study tracked more than 30,000 men - ...
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Young dads more likely to die middle aged - is stress of fatherhood killing them?

A Finnish study tracked more than 30,000 men - those who became dads in their early 20s were more likely to die early

Under pressure: Fatherhood can be stressful
Men who become dads before they turn 25 run a higher risk of dying in middle age, research has found.

The stress of fatherhood at a young age can cause serious health problems, the study suggests.

Lead researcher Dr Elina Einio said: “The findings provide evidence of a need to support young fathers struggling with the demands of family life in order to promote good health behaviours and future health.

“Promotion of good health behaviours in young fathers could also support healthy behaviour in their children.”

Dr Einio’s team from the University of Helsinki, Finland, tracked more than 30,000 men over 20 years from 1985 to 2005.

Danger: Young fathers are more at risk of premature deathThose who had become dads before the age of 22 were 26% more likely to die early than those who left it until they were 25.

Similarly, men who had their first ­children aged between 22 and 24 were at a 14% higher risk of premature death.

At the other end of the scale, those who became dads between the ages of 30 and 44 had a 25% lower risk of death in middle age than young dads. The results were irrespective of their year of birth, upbringing, education, marital status, where they lived and the total number of children they had.

Experts believe the premature deaths could be down to the combined stress of being a father, partner and breadwinner at a young age.

But statistics expert Professor Kevin ­McConway, of the Open University, warned: “The researchers suggest increased mortality might be due to the extra ­responsibilities of parenthood and ­accumulation of the stresses of life.

“That’s plausible. But these fathers grew up in Finland during and soon after the Second World War. Social conditions in, say, Britain now are very much different from their experience.

“We just don’t know whether the findings would be the same for young men ­nowadays, in Finland or anywhere else.”

The research is published in the Journal of Epidemiology & Community Health.
原文出处:http://www.mirror.co.uk/lifestyle/health/young-dads-more-likely-die-6188915 收起阅读 »


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胎儿结构畸形的筛查超声为首选 超声检查具有无创﹑快速﹑实时﹑廉价﹑准确的特点,与其他复杂的影像学检查比较有其不可替代的优势。但是超声检查也有不足:难以穿越胎儿颅骨,视野偏小,对于存在母亲肥胖﹑母体子宫肌瘤﹑羊水过少﹑多胎等情况时,检查结果常不满意,而且超声检...
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1. 首选指征和诊断价值最大的是胎儿中枢神经系统异常:如脑发育不良、侧脑室或后颅窝明显增宽、Dandy-Walker畸形、胼胝体发育不良、Chiari畸形、脑出血、脑肿瘤、脑积水、无脑儿、前脑无裂畸形、神经管闭合不全、脑脊膜膨出等。值得一提的是,当胎儿胼胝体发育不良或胼胝体缺如时,超声往往提示双侧侧脑室增宽,而无法辨别胼胝体是否存在,此时胎儿MRI可以协助确诊侧脑室增宽是否由胼胝体发育不良引起,或者是单纯侧脑室稍增宽而无脑实质发育异常,这对于妊娠结局至关重要。

2. 胎儿颌面部畸形:如唇裂、腭裂、眼眶发育不良或眼球缺失等,可以通过胎儿MRI进行进一步的确认和补充,同时可以发现是否合并其他相关畸形。

3. 胎儿胸部肿瘤性病变:超声提示胎儿肺部回声增强,最常见的是胎儿肺囊腺瘤样畸形(CCAM)或隔离肺,二者都属于良性病变但常常不易区分。胎儿MRI可以通过各个断面扫描,判断异常病灶内的血供来源,从而可以明确病变性质,因为某些CCAM具有自限性,即出生后自行消失,无需治疗。而隔离肺分为肺内型和肺外型,出生后可以进行手术治疗。

4. 胎儿腹部肿瘤性病变:这种情况往往很难定性,胎儿MRI可以明确病灶来源,从而进一步明确病变性质。比如肝脏血管内皮瘤,肾脏中胚叶肾瘤等等,囊性病变包括胆总管囊肿、消化道重复畸形,(女性)卵巢良性囊肿等。


6. 胎儿胃肠道异常:可以通过MRI检查来进一步明确诊断,确认进一步处理方案。这些异常主要包括先天性食道闭锁、十二指肠闭锁、小肠与结肠梗阻或闭锁、肛门闭锁、胎粪性腹膜炎等。


8. 胎儿脊柱异常:如脊柱裂、脊髓脊膜膨出、半椎体、脊髓栓系、骶尾部畸胎瘤等,胎儿MRI可以一目了然,有理有据。

9. 胎儿心脏异常:MRI诊断胎儿心脏异常比较复杂,最好到心脏专科比较好的儿科专科医院检查。

10. 双(多)胎:IVF治疗往往收获双胎或三胎,问题也随之而来。比如双胎输血综合征(TTTS)、双胎反向动脉灌注序列综合征、双胎/多胎之一死亡,胎儿MRI可以帮助监测宫内胎儿生长发育情况,观察存活胎儿中枢神经系统是否异常,减胎减掉哪一个等。

11. 其他需要进行胎儿MRI检查的情况:如孕妇过度肥胖、羊水过多/少、存在复杂畸形时,孕晚期胎头入盆、胎儿颅骨骨化、前置胎盘,胎盘早剥(出血)、胎盘植入、瘢痕妊娠、孕妇子宫畸形、胎儿宫内生长受限、胎儿腹裂及脐膨出等。


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背景 早产是全球围产儿患病与死亡的首要病因,据文献报道,75%的围产儿死亡归结于早产。美国37周之前的早产率约为12%,中国约为4.5%,不过请注意,包括美国在内的发达国家的早产孕周定义为24-37周,而中国则采用WHO的定义,早产孕周为28-37周。所以在...
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宫颈托(Arabin Pessary)是近几年比较热门的一种方法,由于其无创伤性,操作简便,副作用小不增加感染,病人耐受性好而非常受欢迎。宫颈托预防早产的主要证据来源于2012年发表于LANCET(柳叶刀)杂志上的随机对照研究(PECEP研究),研究结论为孕中期宫颈长度≤25mm的单胎妊娠使用宫颈托可以降低早产发生率(12% vs27%)。对于宫颈托在双胎妊娠中早产预防的价值,多数研究持肯定态度,对宫颈短者可以延长孕周4周左右。2013年,荷兰对823例16-20周宫颈短的双胎孕妇进行了随机对照研究,结果发现宫颈托治疗组32周之前的早产率(14%vs29%; RR, 0.49)、不良新生儿预后发生率(12% vs 29%,RR:0.40)及出院前新生儿死亡率(2% vs 15%; RR, 0.13)均显著低于对照组。对于宫颈锥切术后的孕妇,观察性研究显示宫颈托联合阴道孕酮放置对这类人群可能有效。由于目前的研究证据有限,宫颈托究竟对哪类人群有效,有没有其他副作用,尚需要大样本的随机对照研究进一步证实。
















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怀孕之后,很多人会出现恶心呕吐等早孕症状,照理讲过了早孕期会舒服一些,但是不少人还是会有这样那样的不舒服。 恶心呕吐:主要出现在早孕期,多数人过了3-4个月以后会好的,但是少数人会恶心呕吐到妊娠中晚期。多数人不需要特殊处理,注意要少食多餐,饮食清淡。如果吐的...
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1. 怀孕了不舒服是正常的,很少人是没怀孕之前浑身不舒服,怀孕后变得浑身舒服了,这种机会比买彩票中奖的概率还要小。

2. 这种不舒服是正常的“不正常”,多数不需要药物治疗。如果需要治疗,以中医中药为主,因为怀孕后出现的这些问题主要是“症”,不是“病”。吃西药打针或开刀可以治“病”,对“症”治疗是中医中药的拿手好戏,西医就没什么好办法了。

3. 如果孕期症状加重,影响到正常的工作和生活,就需要去看相应的专科医生了。
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