
More than 200 academics have signed an open letter criticising controversial new research suggesting a link between violent video ...
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More than 200 academics have signed an open letter criticising controversial new research suggesting a link between violent video games and aggression.
The findings were released by the American Psychological Association.

It set up a taskforce that reviewed hundreds of studies and papers published between 2005 and 2013.

The American Psychological Association concluded while there was "no single risk factor" to blame for aggression, violent video games did contribute.

"The research demonstrates a consistent relation between violent video game use and increases in aggressive behaviour, aggressive cognitions and aggressive affect, and decreases in pro-social behaviour, empathy and sensitivity to aggression," said the report.

"It is the accumulation of risk factors that tends to lead to aggressive or violent behaviour. The research reviewed here demonstrates that violent video game use is one such risk factor."

However, a large group of academics said they felt the methodology of the research was deeply flawed as a significant part of material included in the study had not been subjected to peer review.

"I fully acknowledge that exposure to repeated violence may have short-term effects - you would be a fool to deny that - but the long-term consequences of crime and actual violent behaviour, there is just no evidence linking violent video games with that," Dr Mark Coulson, associate professor of psychology at Middlesex University and one of the signatories of the letter told the BBC.

"If you play three hours of Call of Duty you might feel a little bit pumped, but you are not going to go out and mug someone."

The question about whether violent games inspire violent behaviour "in real life" is a subject that strongly divides opinion.
Why is it so controversial?
The playing of violent video games is often cited as a factor in motivating shockingly violent youth crimes such as high school shootings in the US.

One of the students who carried out the Columbine High School massacre in 1999 used a gun he called "Arlene" - allegedly after a character in a novel inspired by the computer game Doom.

However, most people who played graphically violent games (such as Call of Duty, Hitman, Mortal Kombat) did not resort to violence - and most video games were not violent, said Dr Richard Wilson from trade body Tiga.

"I wouldn't rubbish the [APA] report, but think it is important to look beyond the headline," he said.

"Although there are adult games, there are also adult films, books, TV shows... the content should be, and is, regulated to ensure children and minors do not play inappropriate material."
Does this new work prove playing violent games can result in violent crime?
The taskforce said more research was now needed to establish whether violent games did lead to violent criminal behaviour.

However, the group of 230 academics from universities around the world wrote in its open letter to the APA youth violence in the US and around the world was currently "at a 40-year low".

"This decline in societal violence is in conflict with claims that violent video games and interactive media are important public health concerns," they wrote.

"The statistical data are simply not bearing out this concern and should not be ignored."

A study released by the Oxford Internet Institute last year suggested frustration at being unable to play a game was more likely to bring out aggressive behaviour than the content of the game itself.

"We focused on the motives of people who play electronic games and found players have a psychological need to come out on top when playing," said Dr Andrew Przybylski at the time.

"If players feel thwarted by the controls or the design of the game, they can wind up feeling aggressive.

"This need to master the game was far more significant than whether the game contained violent material."
But aren't the ratings designed to protect young people?
In Europe, games are given age-related ratings in accordance with the Pan-European Game Information (Pegi) system.

There are five age ratings - three, seven, 12, 16 and 18.

The problem is that violence is hard to classify.

A Pegi 18 certificate may contain scenes of "gross violence", says the website.

"Gross violence is the most difficult to define since it can be very subjective in many cases, but in general terms it can be classed as the depictions of violence that would make the viewer feel a sense of revulsion," it says.

The APA is calling for extra in-game controls in addition to the current ratings.

"This is censorship by another route," said Dr Coulson.

"The worry I have is that any soft-coded censorship will be immediately subverted.

"The people playing these games are more competent than the people acting as gatekeepers.

"It's kind of putting forward a solution to a problem I don't think exists."
How was the APA research conducted?
The APA taskforce used meta-analysis - combining the results of lots of studies in order to look for patterns and correlations, rather than carrying out any new research itself.

It conducted a comprehensive review of academic work around the subject, some of which dated back to 2005.

"While there is some variation among the individual studies, a strong and consistent general pattern has emerged from many years of research that provides confidence in our general conclusions," said task force chairman Mark Appelbaum.

However, this approach was criticised by the group of experts, which said such correlations sometimes had other explanations.

For example, boys were more likely to play video games than girls but they were also more likely to be aggressive in general.

Dr Coulson also cautioned about work included in the study that may not have been subject to peer review, where it is critiqued by the wider academic community.

"Obviously there is a lot of stuff out there that doesn't get into peer review journals," he said.

"If you look at all the literature in this area you are bound to get a sensationalist conclusion."
联名反对:http://www.stetson.edu/today/2013/10/letter-to-apa-on-policy-statement-on-violent-media/ 收起阅读 »


For teenagers, surrounding themselves with friends -- particularly friends in a good mood -- could significantly reduce their risk...
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For teenagers, surrounding themselves with friends -- particularly friends in a good mood -- could significantly reduce their risk of developing depression, and improve their ability to recover from it.In a study published this week, scientists analyzed the data of more than 2,000 high school students in the United States to investigate whether the moods of students influenced one another and if this could in turn impact levels of depression among teens. The teams modeled the spread of moods among the students over six to 12 months, using techniques similar to modeling the spread of an infectious disease.

"We classified people as ill (depressed) or not and looked at how that changed over time," says Thomas Moore, a lecturer in applied mathematics at the University of Manchester, who worked on the study.

Moore says previous studies have found depressed people tend to group into clusters, implying that this frame of mind could be spread. But the team found the opposite.

"Depression itself doesn't spread, but a healthy mood actually does," he says. The study found that teens with a strong group of friends not suffering from depression -- described as a "healthy" mood -- had half the probability of developing depression and double the probability of recovering if they were depressed.

"The effect was big, much bigger than you see form antidepressants," says Moore.

Importantly, depressed friends didn't counter the effect. "They don't seem to drag their friends down," says Moore.

The data was taken from the ongoing National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent to Adult Health currently taking place in the United States and the team see the findings as a useful weapon in the fight against depression -- particularly among teens.

According to data from the National Survey on Drug Use and Health in the United States, an estimated 2.6 million 12 to 17-year-olds had at least one major depressive episode during 2013. This represented 10.7% of the U.S. population aged 12 to 17.

"Depression is a major public health concern worldwide," says professor Frances Griffiths, head of social science and systems in health at Warwick Medical School, who also worked on the research. "Our results offer implications for improving adolescent mood ... that encouraging friendship networks between adolescents could reduce both the incidence and prevalence of depression among teenagers."

Whilst the study found a difference over six to 12 months, Moore believes the change could happen sooner. "We only got these two snapshots [of time]," he says.

Moore sees social activities such as youth groups as low-cost, low-risk options to help alleviate the burden of depression today. "If you combine this with other things known to work, they might work even better," he says.

Current treatment for depression is complex using combinations of therapy and drugs such as antidepressants as well as encouraging a healthy lifestyle.

"When we think of staying healthy, we often think of taking exercise and eating a healthy diet. However, we should also make time for our friendships as part of a healthy lifestyle," says Jim Bolton, a Fellow of the Royal College of Psychiatrists, in the United Kingdom.

"This study is additional evidence of the importance of friends and family in maintaining good mental health ... [and] importantly, this study indicates that when we do speak to family and friends our depression is not 'infectious,'" he says.

But he findings may not automatically apply to all teenage populations warns Shirley Reynolds, professor of evidence-based psychological therapies at the University of Reading. "These data are certainly intriguing and if replicated and substantiated have important implications for public health and social [or] educational interventions," she says. "However, there is no information given about the young people who took part ... this makes it impossible to know if they are representative of other teenagers in the USA, let alone teenagers in the UK or Europe."

Justin T. Baker, instructor of psychiatry at Harvard Medical School and a psychiatrist at McLean Hospital, in Belmont, Massachusetts, says it's a clever study, but cautions that it has several limitations. One is that it infers a "transmission model" from just two time points -- 6 and 12 months.

"Also, the authors chose to label participants as either depressed or not, even though mood and depression vary continuously along a continuum," he says. "This all-or-none label makes some sense for infection, but doesn't capture the experience of depression."
文献下载:http://rspb.royalsocietypublishing.org/content/282/1813/20151180 收起阅读 »


饮酒请适量。女性一天至多一杯、男性两杯。别为了有益健康去喝酒。什么样叫做一杯(a Standard Drink)?附图一目了然。另外、JAMA文献:经常饮酒的人、即便只是适量饮酒(每周喝3-6小杯红酒)也会使乳腺癌风险上升15%(http://jama.jam...
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饮酒请适量。女性一天至多一杯、男性两杯。别为了有益健康去喝酒。什么样叫做一杯(a Standard Drink)?附图一目了然。另外、JAMA文献:经常饮酒的人、即便只是适量饮酒(每周喝3-6小杯红酒)也会使乳腺癌风险上升15%(http://jama.jamanetwork.com/article.aspx?articleid=1104580)。 收起阅读 »


今天是我国农历的七月初七,是七夕节,又名乞巧节或七巧节。七夕乞巧起源于对自然的崇拜及女性穿针乞巧,后来赋予了牛郎织女的传说使其成为象征爱情的节日,近年来被国人发扬光大为中国的情人节。   七夕节最早的目的是乞巧,始于汉,流于后世。会做并且针线活做的好是当年女性...
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A healthy breakfast is a must for kids. Skip it and your kids will be playing nutritional catch-up for the rest of the day, says C...
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A healthy breakfast is a must for kids. Skip it and your kids will be playing nutritional catch-up for the rest of the day, says Carole L. Adler, M.A., R.D., a dietitian at the Food and Drug Administration (FDA).

When kids skip breakfast, they don't get what they need to be at their best, says Adler. “Growing bodies and developing brains need regular, healthy meals,” she says. According to the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, studies show that school children who eat breakfast perform better in the classroom.

As with other meals, it’s a good idea for your kids (and you) to eat a healthy balance of fruits and vegetables, proteins, grains and dairy—not just for breakfast but throughout the day.

Here are Adler’s seven quick and easy breakfast tips to ensure your children start their day off right.
Breakfast doesn’t have to mean traditional breakfast foods.

Anything goes, as long as you maintain a healthy balance. So if your kids want a change from cereal and eggs, think about serving left-overs from last night’s dinner. There’s nothing wrong with tuna fish with celery on a whole wheat English muffin or a turkey sandwich to start the day.
Give kids foods they like.

It’s neither necessary nor effective to feed them foods they dislike. Do your kids turn up their noses at vegetables but love pizza? Left-over pizza with a whole-grain crust and veggies works for breakfast, too. Or make muffins with zucchini and carrots, and spread with peanut butter or almond butter for protein with a glass of milk. Your kids love sugary cereal? Mix a little bit of that cereal with a whole-grain, nutrient-packed healthier brand of cereal. “Nothing has to be off the table altogether, and sometimes just a taste of something your kids like is enough to keep them happy,” Adler says.
Make healthy trade-offs.

Keep in mind that nutritional balance is key—not just for one meal but for foods eaten throughout the day. Not enough vegetables in the morning meal? Prepare extra carrot, celery, and broccoli sticks with a hummus dip as an afternoon snack.
Take growth and activity levels into account.

Growing bodies need nourishment. And if your kids are physically active to boot, they need plenty of calories to keep them fueled. Adler says that having a breakfast that contains protein, fat and carbohydrates helps children feel full and stay focused until lunch. Protein choices might include an egg, some nuts, a slice of deli meat or cheese, or a container of yogurt.
Don’t take, “Mom, I don’t have time for breakfast” as an excuse.

Remember, eating on the go doesn’t have to mean forgoing breakfast. Make sure your kids grab a piece of fruit on the way out the door, and hand them a bag of nut-and-fruit trail mix or a whole-wheat tortilla spread with peanut butter or almond butter and a carton of milk. “A fruit-filled shake with milk or yogurt takes only a couple of minutes to drink,” Adler says.
Prep the night before.

Morning is a busy time for everyone—you included. So take ten minutes to think ahead and prep for breakfast the night before. Chop up fruit to layer in a yogurt parfait or add to cereal. Cut up vegetables for an omelet. Mix up muffin or whole-grain waffle batter, cover, and put in the fridge. Get out a pan for pancakes or a blender for smoothies. Put a bowl of nut-and-fruit trail mix on the table for kids to grab a handful as they walk out the door.
Use the Nutrition Facts label and ingredient statement when you shop.

“The label makes it easy to determine the amounts of nutrients your kids are getting and to compare one product to another,” Adler says. Make sure your children get nutrient-dense foods that are low in salt and added sugars.

This article appears on FDA's Consumer Updates page, which features the latest on all FDA-regulated products.

August 13, 2015
原文出处:http://www.fda.gov/ForConsumers/ConsumerUpdates/ucm456060.htm 收起阅读 »


As parents and caregivers fill out a multitude of forms at the start of the school year, they may have questions about some requir...
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As parents and caregivers fill out a multitude of forms at the start of the school year, they may have questions about some requirements, including the vaccine schedule.

According to Marion Gruber, Ph.D., director of the Office of Vaccines Research and Review at the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), vaccines are integral to get children off to a healthy start.

"Parents should know that vaccines protect children from many serious illnesses from infectious diseases. The risk of being harmed by vaccines is much smaller than the risk of serious illness from infectious diseases," she says.

Gruber emphasizes that most side effects of vaccines are usually minor and short-lived. For example, a child may feel soreness at the injection site or experience a mild fever. Serious vaccine reactions are extremely rare, but they can happen.

FDA’s online resource, Vaccines for Children, A Guide for Parents and Caregivers, describes in more detail the types of routinely administered vaccines available for children, and answers many of the questions posed by parents and caregivers.
Reducing Childhood Disease

Vaccines have contributed to a significant reduction in many childhood infectious diseases, such as diphtheria, measles, and Haemophilus influenzae type b (Hib). Some infectious diseases, such as polio and smallpox, have been eliminated in the United States because of vaccines. It is now relatively rare for American children to experience the devastating and often deadly effects of diseases that can be prevented by vaccines.

Because immunization programs of the 20th century were so successful, many of today’s parents have never seen many vaccine-preventable diseases and do not understand that the diseases could actually reemerge. If individuals choose not to vaccinate themselves or their children, some diseases that are now rare or nonexistent in this country may resurface, Gruber says.
Steps to Take When Your Child Is Vaccinated

Review the vaccine information sheets

These sheets explain both the benefits and risks of a vaccine. Healthcare professionals are required by law to provide them.
Talk to your healthcare professional about the benefits and risks of vaccines.

Learn the facts about the benefits and risks of vaccines, along with the potential consequences of not vaccinating against diseases. Some parents and caregivers are surprised to learn that children can be harmed or die of measles, diphtheria, pertussis, and other vaccine-preventable diseases.

Before vaccination, inform your healthcare professional of these conditions.

This might include being sick or having a history of certain allergic or other adverse reactions to previous vaccinations or their components. For example, eggs are used to produce many influenza (flu) vaccines; therefore, it is important to inform your healthcare professional if your child is severely allergic to eggs.

The packaging of some vaccines that are supplied in vials or prefilled syringes may contain natural rubber latex, which may cause allergic reactions in latex-sensitive individuals. Let your healthcare professional know about an allergy to latex. It is also extremely important to discuss with your healthcare professional which vaccines should or should not be given to children who have a weakened immune system.

Report adverse reactions

Adverse reactions and other problems related to vaccines should be reported to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System, which is maintained by FDA and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). For a copy of the vaccine reporting form, call 1-800-822-7967, or report online to www.vaers.hhs.gov

This article appears on FDA's Consumer Updates page, which features the latest on all FDA-regulated products.

August 11, 2015
原文出处:http://www.fda.gov/ForConsumers/ConsumerUpdates/ucm457415.htm 收起阅读 »


注重营养健康不是一件临时起意的事儿,而应该是一种生活态度和生活方式。讲营养应该从购买食物的时候就开始,不要等到了厨房、餐桌才有这种意识。 为什么?现在购买食物基本上是在超市购买,当然有一部分是从自由市场购买的。周末去购物,为下一个星期准备吃的、喝的、用的。营...
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 判定一个人是否属于超重肥胖常用的指标是体重指数(BMI),因为体重指数和体内脂肪含量存在着很好的正相关关系。一般来说,体重指数越大,体内的脂肪就越多。体重指数的计算需要同时知道身高和体重的数值才能计算出来。我国成年人健康体重的范围为18.5~24.9kg/m2,大于等于25.0kg/米2为超重, 25.0~29.9kg/米2为肥胖。小于18.5kg/m2为消瘦,这个指标不分性别。



来源:中国肥胖问题工作组. 中国学龄儿童青少年超重、肥胖筛查体重指数分类标准, 中华流行病学杂志, 2004, 2(25):97-102





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Surprisingly, the best way to deal with your child if they are having a tantrum, as above, or behaving badly may be to reason with...
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Surprisingly, the best way to deal with your child if they are having a tantrum, as above, or behaving badly may be to reason with them. Scientists studied how 102 parents dealt with their children when they were naughty and found reasoning could actually lead the children to behave better in the long run.
  • Scientists studied how 102 parents dealt with their children when naughty
  • Study found naughty step was least effective at dealing with misbehaviour
  • Compromising could actually lead to worse behaviour in the long run 
  • Reasoning with children worked best in the long term for all bad behaviour 

When a child is throwing a tantrum, reasoning with the little blighter may be the last thing on a parent's mind.

In the long run, however, experts suggest it is the most effective strategy for improving their behaviour.

Using a punishment such as putting a child on the naughty step – also known as a 'time out' – can also be effective, but children need to know in advance that this could be coming if they are bad, experts say.

The quickest way to defuse a situation – compromising – may buy peace for a short time, but in the long run it may lead to worse behaviour.

Scientists asked 102 parents how they dealt wth 'toddler noncompliance' – naughtiness to you or I – on five occasions.

They found that reasoning was the most effective immediate response to mild misbehaviour such as whining or negotiating – when young children try and argue their way out of doing something.

Punishments such as the naughty step were least effective.

But when it came to dealing with more 'oppositional' misbehaviour such as defiance, hitting and 'passive non-compliance', reasoning was the least effective response while 'naughty step' style punishmnents were second best after compromising.

Over the longer term, compromise 'made all behavioural problems worse for the most oppositional toddlers', the study's authors Robert Larzerle and Sade Knowles found.

Reasoning, however, was most effective after two months for these children, despite being the least effective response immediately.

The authors wrote that they found it 'surprising' that reasoning worked in the end with 'oppositional' infants.

They wrote: 'To our surprise, frequent use of reasoning decreases behavior problems subsequently with oppositional toddlers, even though it is the least effective response for immediate reduction of noncompliance.

'We thought that the compliance of the most oppositional children had to improve to typical levels before they could be positively influenced by reasoning. Otherwise we thought they would just tune parents out.'

For more defiant toddlers they advise that time out is a good idea.
But to make more effective use of punishments such as timeouts, another author, Ennio Cipani of National University in the US said toddlers need to be told ahead of time which behaviors - such as hitting or yelling- will put them in timeout.

He added that it was always important to follow through with these punishments once the line had been drawn.

He said: 'Our clinical case findings, have shown that timeout used consistently for select behaviors and situations significantly reduced problem behaviours over time.' 


Parents who brag their child could be the next Tim Cook or Bobbi Brown - despite a less than glowing report card - may well be right.

A new study claims naughty schoolchildren may have what's been called the ‘CEO gene’ making them more likely to head up a major company in the future. 

Scientists claim that a particular gene sequence associated with ‘mild’ rule breaking in children is the same one that leads to leadership qualities found in successful high-flying chief executives.

However, it depends on a child’s home environment, because bad behaviour in the classroom can also lead to a withdrawn personality that’s not good for business, the study warns.

Psychologists from Kansas State University analysed health data covering 13,000 adults and discovered the influence of DAT1, which transports the chemical dopamine to the brain.

Dopamine is a neurotransmitter that helps control the brain’s responses to reward and pleasure.

They found that in children, DAT1 leads to ‘mild’ bad behaviour such as playing truant, but not serious bad behaviour such as violent crime.

However, they also discovered it provides positive leadership qualities in adults who often went on to become the heads of companies or lead divisions within a company.

Psychologists believe those with DAT1 learn early on to push boundaries. 

原文出处:http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-3187284/Forget-naughty-step-Reasoning-children-best-way-make-stop-misbehaving.html 收起阅读 »


Survey found 56% of social media users feel they’re not reaching potentialIt found people feel like they were under-performing in ...
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  • Survey found 56% of social media users feel they’re not reaching potential
  • It found people feel like they were under-performing in four main ways
  • These include body image, career, mood, and energy levels
  • One third of young men wished they more closely resembled their profile

Most people who use Facebook and Instagram have given in to the temptation to put a little gloss on their lives. 

But instead of giving us a boost, all those posed selfies and pictures of holidays could be doing quite the opposite.

According to new research, people who use social media platforms are more likely to feel like a failure than people who steer clear of Facebook and other online networks.

Around a third of Britons believe that they are not living up to their full potential, but that figure rises to more than half (56 per cent) among people who use social media, according to the study.

Young men are likely to feel it the worst. 

One in three men aged between 25 and 34 wish that they were more like the person they described themselves as on social media, than the one they are in real life.

The study of 5,000 Britons was carried out by the Future Foundation, a trend forecasting firm, which found that people felt down about their own lives because they were forever judging themselves against other people’s apparent success.

Unsurprisingly, many were worried about the way they look, whilst others are concerned that they are not successful enough in their careers, or that they are simply not happy or busy enough.
‘Social media usage has created a culture of comparison among today’s young people,’ said Will Seymour, the research firm’s ‘brand officer’. 

‘To be satisfied with one’s life is to be complacent - the goal is to be in a permanent state of improvement, always striving for something better. 

'With an online culture of direct comparison, it’s no surprise that social media usage has a greater bearing on how much people worry about not achieving their potential than income or even education.’

Future Foundation warned that the problem may only get worse, as people who are worried that they are falling behind their peers spend even more time bragging about their achievements to put a misleading gloss on their life.

‘This shows that Brits are responding to the importance of appearing successful online by creating and projecting an idealised version of themselves, feeding the cycle of comparison,’ the organisation said.

Perhaps unsurprisingly, young people who have grown up with social media are more likely to feel bad about themselves than older users, who tend to take online appearances with a pinch of salt.

According to the survey, nearly two thirds (63 per cent) of people aged between 17 and 33 felt they are failing in life, compared to just 37 per cent of so-called baby boomers, aged 55 to 70.

And the need to keep up with the Joneses is also more intense in the capital, where more than half of the population feels like they are failing to reach their potential.

More than half (55 per cent) of Londoners feel like they are slipping behind, compared to 47 per cent in the West Midlands, which ranked as Britain’s ‘most satisfied’ region.


Ordinary people undergo road rage-like personality changes when using internet sites like Facebook and Twitter, a leading psychologist has warned.

A dangerous combination of people feeling distanced from the person they are abusing and having a vast platform on which to vent anger instantly encourages users to become more aggressive.

Just as normally calm drivers sometimes lash out when they get frustrated behind the wheel, so ordinary people can become uncharacteristically angry on social media, said Dr Richard Sherry.

The clinical director of Psychological Systems in central London said people using social media were less likely to feel empathy or compassion towards others.

He spoke as a new poll found almost nine in ten Britons now admit to having lost their temper more quickly online than in real life. Young people were the least tolerant.

The survey questioned 1,000 users of sites including Facebook, Twitter, WhatsApp, Instagram and Pinterest about whether their personality changes while reading and posting messages.

Some 84 per cent admitted they become more easily exasperated and enraged at others online than they ever would in person.

Young people are particularly prone to internet road rage, with 26 per cent of the 18 to 24 year olds surveyed saying they are 'always' worked up when using social media, compared with 18 per cent of 35 to 44 year olds and just 11 per cent of those in the over-55 age group.

The survey, carried out by OnePoll for 'anti-Facebook' social media site Pencourage, also revealed that many regret losing their temper online.
原文出处:http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-3192512/Generation-fail-Social-media-addicts-likely-feel-like-failures-comes-careers-looks.html 收起阅读 »