
阳光明媚时,大多数人都喜欢在户外工作、玩耍或者放松一下。温暖的阳光照在皮肤上的感觉真好,然而过量的阳光与热量对身体是有害的,所以要当心! 阳光中能烧灼皮肤的射线叫做紫外线,简称UV射线。UV射线能引发如下问题:
  • 晒伤
  • 皮肤癌
  • 眼睛损害
  • 皮肤老化
  • 降低皮肤免疫力
  • 遮起来。穿浅色的长袖衬衫、长腿裤子、戴宽沿儿的透气纤维做的帽子。买太阳镜时注意有没有防UVA和UVB射线的功能。
  • 限制日晒时间。避免在上午11点到下午4点之间晒太阳。当您的影子比自己的身高矮的时候是太阳光最强的时候。外出晒太阳时选择有背光的地方,如有大树的公园,屋檐下,凉棚下,阳伞下,或者露天帐篷。去沙滩的时候常记着带把遮阳伞。
  • 收听紫外线指数预报。收听地方广播、观看当地电视台、或者上网查看当地紫外线指数预报。当紫外线指数为3或者超过3的时候需要穿防晒衣、戴太阳镜、涂抹防晒霜。
  • 使用防晒霜。当紫外线指数大于等于3时涂抹防晒霜。
  • 即使不渴也要多喝清凉饮料(尤其是水)。如果天气湿热,待在阴凉处并补充水分以免中暑。脱水是很危险的,口渴就是脱水的不良征兆。
  • 避免使用日晒床。如果您非要使用日晒床,请了解其中的风险并学会如何保护自己。
 您知道吗?动物们也知道防晒的!黑猩猩会躲开正午的阳光,河马会分泌粉色的能起到防晒霜的作用的油以保护皮肤不被晒伤。 如何选择安全的防晒霜
  • 选择高防晒系数(SPF)的。选择防晒系数至少为15的广谱防晒霜。防晒霜的说明上应标注“广谱”字样,能够阻挡大部分UVA和UVB射线。
  • 查看“防水”字样。看看防晒霜的标签上是否写着能够防水(防水,非常防水)。
  • 阅读使用说明。按照产品说明书使用以保证最佳使用效果。
  • 多涂防晒霜。涂抹防晒霜时按推荐的剂量使用。
  • 早一点涂防晒霜。出门前20分钟涂抹防晒霜;出门后20分钟再次涂抹防晒霜,以后至少每2小时涂抹一次。涂抹的量要多。暴露的部位要多涂抹防晒霜,如耳朵,鼻子,脚尖以及膝盖。
  • 经常多次涂抹。要多次涂抹防晒霜以达到最佳效果,尤其游泳或者出汗较多时要多涂抹防晒霜。
  • 保护自己。防晒霜和驱虫剂在安全的前提下可以一同使用。先涂防晒霜,再涂驱虫剂。
  • 防晒霜与宝宝。不要给6月龄以下的宝宝使用防晒霜。由于宝宝的皮肤和身体对阳光比成人要敏感,不要让宝宝暴露在阳光或者热源下。
  • •过敏反应测试。给大人或者小孩儿使用任何美黑仿晒前要检查有无过敏反应,尤其对于皮肤敏感的人。选前臂内侧的一块皮肤与美黑仿晒制品接触连续接触几天,如果皮肤发红或者有其他反应,改用其他产品。
  • 一年四季都要防护紫外线,不只是在夏天需要防护。
  • 雪、水、沙子以及混凝土对阳光的反射都会增强紫外线的作用。多云的天气里要注意防晒,如游泳,甚至滑雪。
  • 父母是最好的榜样。带头防晒,给孩子做个榜样。
  • 在炎热的天气里,服用某些药物可能会增加健康风险,并且(或者)使皮肤对紫外线更敏感。如果您在服药,询问医生是否会有如上风险,并遵循他们的建议。
  • 日晒床和日晒灯对皮肤有害,应避免使用。
  • 美黑仿晒制品如古铜色化妆品比美黑材料要好些,并且古铜色化妆品有多种性状(喷雾,护肤液,药巾)。但是很有可能这些产品给你的皮肤染上古铜色但是起不到任何防护紫外线的作用。使用美黑仿晒制品时仍需要采取防晒措施。
中文翻译:乐山乐水 本文地址:http://www.wjbb.com/know/1005 原文出处:http://healthycanadians.gc.ca/healthy-living-vie-saine/environment-environnement/sun-soleil/safety-protection-eng.php

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Most of us like to work, play, and relax outside on a sunny day. The warm rays of the sun can feel good on our skin. But too much sun and heat can be harmful, so be careful! 每当天晴,大多数人都喜欢在外工作,玩耍或者放松一下。温暖的阳光照在皮肤上的感觉真好,然而过量的阳光与照射对身体是有害的,所以要当心! The sun's burning rays are also called ultraviolet radiation or UV rays. UV rays can cause: •sunburns •skin cancer •eye damage •premature skin aging •weakening of the body's immune system 阳光中能烧灼皮肤的射线叫做紫外线,简称UV射线。UV射线能引发如下问题: 晒伤 皮肤癌 损害眼睛 皮肤老化 降低皮肤免疫力 Before you head outdoors, follow these sun safety tips. 出门前请参照如下安全防晒建议 Sun safety tips 安全防晒建议 You can protect your family and still have fun under the sun. 遵从如下建议能让你和家人在享受阳光的同时也能保避免晒伤。 •Cover up. Wear light-coloured, long-sleeved shirts, pants, and a wide-brimmed hat made from breathable fabric. When you buy sunglasses, make sure they provide protection against both UVA and UVB rays. 穿戴防晒衣物。穿浅色的长袖衬衫,长腿裤子,戴宽沿儿的透气纤维做的帽子。买太阳镜时注意有没有防UVA和UVB射线的功能。 •Limit your time in the sun. Keep out of the sun and heat between 11 a.m. and 4 p.m. When your shadow is shorter than you, the sun is very strong. Look for places with lots of shade, like a park with big trees, partial roofs, awnings, umbrellas or gazebo tents. Always take an umbrella to the beach. 选择合适的时间晒太阳。晒太阳的最佳时间段是上午11点到下午4点。当你的影子比你的身高矮的时候是太阳光最强的时候。外出晒太阳时选择有背光的地方,如有大树的公园,屋檐下,凉棚下,阳伞下,或者露天帐篷。去沙滩的时候常记着带把伞。 •Use the UV Index forecast. Tune into local radio and TV stations or check online for the UV index forecast in your area. When the UV index is 3 or higher, wear protective clothing, sunglasses and sunscreen. 收听紫外线指数预报。收听地方广播,观看当地电视台,或者上网查看当地紫外线指数预报。当紫外线指数为3或者超过3的时候需要穿防晒衣,戴太阳镜,涂抹防晒霜。 •Use sunscreen. Put sunscreen on when the UV index is 3 or more. 使用防晒霜。当紫外线指数大于等于3时涂抹防晒霜。 •Drink plenty of cool liquids (especially water) before you feel thirsty. If sunny days are also hot and humid, stay cool and hydrated to avoid heat illness. Dehydration (not having enough fluids in your body) is dangerous, and thirst is not a good indicator of dehydration. 即使不渴也要多喝清凉饮料(尤其是水)。如果天气湿热,待在阴凉处并补充水分以免得热病。脱水是很危险的,口渴就是脱水的不良征兆。 •Avoid using tanning beds. If you do use them, understand the risks and learn how to protect yourself. 不要睡鞣革床。如果睡鞣革床,要知道会有什么问题并知道如何保护自己。 Did you know? Even animals practice sun protection! Chimpanzees avoid the midday sun and hippos secrete pink-coloured oil that acts like a sunscreen to protect their skin from sunburn. 你知道吗? 动物们也知道防晒的!黑猩猩会躲开正午的阳光,河马会分泌粉色的能起到防晒霜的作用的油以保护皮肤不被晒伤。 Sunscreen safety tips 如何选择安全的防晒霜 •Choose a high SPF. Protect your health by using a broad-spectrum sunscreen with a Sun Protection Factor (SPF) of at least 15. The sunscreen should also say "broad-spectrum" on the label, to screen out most of the UVA and UVB rays. 选择高防晒系数(SPF)的。选择防晒系数至少为15的广谱防晒霜。防晒霜的说明上应标注“广谱”字样,能够阻挡UVA和UVB射线。 •Look for "water resistant." Look for claims on the label that the product stays on better in water (water resistant, very water resistant). 查看“防水”字样。看看防晒霜的标签上是否写着能够防水(防水,非常防水)。 •Read application instructions. For best results, be sure to follow the instructions on the product label. 阅读使用说明。按照产品说明书使用以保证最佳使用效果。 •Use lots of sunscreen. Use the recommended amount of sunscreen. 多涂防晒霜。涂抹防晒霜时按推荐的剂量使用。 •Apply it early. Apply sunscreen 20 minutes before you go outside; reapply 20 minutes after going outside and at least every 2 hours after that. Use a generous amount. Cover exposed areas generously, including ears, nose, the tops of feet and backs of knees. 早一点涂防晒霜。出门前20分钟涂抹防晒霜;出门后20分钟再次涂抹防晒霜,以后至少每2小时涂抹一次。涂抹的量要多。暴露的部位要多涂抹防晒霜,如耳朵,鼻子,脚尖以及膝盖。 •Reapply often. Reapply sunscreen often to get the best possible protection especially if you are swimming or sweating heavily. 经常多次涂抹。要多次涂抹防晒霜以达到最佳效果,尤其游泳或者出汗较多时要多涂抹防晒霜。 •Protect yourself. Sunscreen and insect repellents can be used safely together. Apply the sunscreen first, then the insect repellent. 保护自己。防晒霜和驱虫剂在安全的前提下可以一同使用。先涂防晒霜,再涂驱虫剂。 •Sunscreens and babies. Do not put sunscreen on babies less than 6 months of age. Keep them out of the sun and heat as their skin and bodies are much more sensitive than an adult's. 防晒霜与宝宝。不要给6个月以下的宝宝使用防晒霜。由于宝宝的皮肤和身体对阳光比成人要敏感,不要让宝宝暴露在阳光或者热源下。 •Test for an allergic reaction. Before using any tanning product on you or your child check for an allergic reaction, especially if you have sensitive skin. Apply it to a small patch of skin on the inner forearm for several days in a row. If the skin turns red or otherwise reacts, change products. 过敏反应测试。给大人或者小孩儿使用任何鞣革制品前要检查有无过敏反应,尤其对于皮肤敏感的人。选前臂内侧的一块皮肤与鞣革制品接触连续接触几天,如果皮肤发红或者有其他反应,改用其他产品。 Did you know? 你知道吗? Sunscreens are not meant to increase the amount of time you spend in the sun. They are meant to increase your protection when you have to be outside. 防晒霜的用处不是增加了暴露在阳光下的时间,而是在暴露在阳光下时增加提高保护皮肤的效果。 Remember 谨记 •It is important to protect against UV rays all year round, not just in the summer. 一年四季都要防护紫外线,不只是在夏天需要防护。 •Reflections off snow, water, sand and concrete can increase the effect of UV rays. You need to protect yourself on cloudy days, when you're swimming, and even while skiing. 雪,水,沙子以及混凝土对阳光的反射都会增强紫外线的作用。多云的天气里游泳甚至滑雪时需要注意防晒。 •Children learn best by example. Model sun-protective behavior yourself. 给孩子做个好榜样。带头防晒,给孩子做个榜样。 •In extreme heat, some medications may increase your health risk and/or make your skin more sensitive to UV rays. If you are taking medication, ask your health care provider if it increases your risk, and follow their recommendations. 在炎热的天气里,服用某些药物可能会增加健康风险,并且(或者)使皮肤对紫外线更敏感。如果你在服药,询问医生是否会有如上风险,按他们的建议去做。 •Tanning beds and lamps will damage your skin and should be avoided. 鞣革床和灯有害皮肤,应避免使用。 •Sunless tanning products like bronzers are an alternative to tanning and come in different forms (sprays, lotions, towelettes). But while these products may give your skin a golden color, they do not offer any UV protection. You still need to practice sun safety when using these products. 防晒的鞣革制品如古铜色化妆品比鞣革材料要好些,并且古铜色化妆品有多种性状(喷雾,护肤液,药巾)。但是很有可能这些产品给你的皮肤染上古铜色但是起不到任何防护紫外线的作用。使用鞣革制品仍需要采取防晒措施。
Avoid using tanning beds.这句话为啥会出现在原文中?还是我没看明白?有不同意见的说说看。
tanning beds指的是日晒床,即(利用太阳灯)照晒棕褐色皮肤的浴床,在国外很流行,不去沙滩也可以晒皮肤。所以放在防晒的文章里是很自然的。
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